Does any one have 2 jobs?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I was thinking of getting a week end job. I work 7:30 hours a day 5 days a week but thought id look into getting a saturday/sunday job. We're doing well money wise ATM but wanted to get some experiance at something different and to get a bit of a savings account started for the future. Does any one else have 2 jobs? is it hard not having any days off or having a small amount of time off? Does it just become routine?

I found it hard going from unemployed to full time but it just seems normal now, id imagine wokring 6 days a week would be the same :think:

:hug: :hug:
a bit different situation to you... but when i was at college i had 3 jobs aswell.. until i found out i was pregnant and then i left two of them.

i was at college mon-fri 9-4
and one job i had was wednesday nights 5-8pm, and saturday mornings 9-12noon.
another one was monday night 5- 6.30, thursday night 5- 6.30, and friday night 5- 6.30.
and the other one i had was just on friday afternoons 2pm - 4pm ( i finished college at dinner on fridays).

it was hard work being at college aswell but well worth the extra money :D :D
the only thing with working a whole extra day at the weekend is the time you miss out on with your bloky, and that the one day you are off, you will probably be knackered after having worked all week.

i used to work at a pub as a second job - i did sunday nights 6 til close which was about 1130 i think, and then one or two extra nights during the week depending on when they needed cover, and then i worked 7 til close which was anywhere from 1130 to 1230. the midweek nights were a bit of a rush getting home from work, getting some dinner down me and then rushing out, but i enjoyed the extra money and the social life.

also, sounds silly but remember that you get taxed more on your second job so you don't earn as much as you think you would. take note of tax and things like that and make sure they're all legit as you still have to specify the second job earnings on benefits forms, so make sure they are likely to either pay you cash in hand or they are legit with their finances and give you a P60 etc, or some sort of wage slip that breaks down tax and NI amounts.

there's also things like doing Avon, but it doesn't always work out that well to do it and can involve quite a few hours for not much return.
I held 2 jobs down once but not for long. I worked at Bookers during the day and a wine bar at night. Also at my full time job at Bookers
I had to work one late night a week and one weekend out of every month. That 7 day week used to kill me.

I couldn't do it now but at the time the money was awesome. Do it while you're still young and have the energy I say!!!!

Thanks for the advice. OH would be looking for a similar thing so even though we wont be seeing each other as much we'll both be busy (and we work full time in the same place so will still see quite a bit of each other). I was just chatting to my dad and he said about having to work 12 hour shifts just to support us when we were babies which meant he hardly got chance to see us. Just thought while we havnt got kids we might as well try and get some savings rather than getting up at 12 and just wasteing the weekend!
jenna said:
Thanks for the advice. OH would be looking for a similar thing so even though we wont be seeing each other as much we'll both be busy (and we work full time in the same place so will still see quite a bit of each other). I was just chatting to my dad and he said about having to work 12 hour shifts just to support us when we were babies which meant he hardly got chance to see us. Just thought while we havnt got kids we might as well try and get some savings rather than getting up at 12 and just wasteing the weekend!

Good girl :clap: Thats the attitiude :wink: Them savings will be great when you have bubbies :D

****EDIT**** Sorry, didn't mean to sound patronising :oops:
Ihave 2 jobs - I am a teacher during the week and at night and all weekend I do swimming lessons.

Its hard going I think but then I have prep to do for school most nights and at the weekend too so I don't really get time to myself.
I used to have 3 jobs :shock:
When I was 16 I was on a YTS so I hardly had any money.
I stakced shelves from 6-8am at boots. Then I worked 9-6pm at Comet on a YTS £1 an hour and then I was an a cleaner form 6-9pm
I used to be knackered................I only kept it up for about 12 weeks as it was just to exhausting and at 16 I wanted to go out and have fun. I stopped working at boots but I kept my 2 jobs for about 2 years.
I have 3 jobs!!... sleeping... eating.. and a full time baby grower but im being made redundant in a few weeks! :(
Yay! got a new job.

Working for Dh's dad, 3 week ends on 3 week ends off. So 7 days a week :shock: haha. Best thing is we'll be working together so it'll be quite fun. Wont be starting for a few weeks yet. Cant wait :D
What will you be doing? (Just being nosy :D )
His business is for 'environmental consultancy'.

But were just doing servys on wildlife and i think were moving them to safer places if theres building work going on. :)

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