Doctors rang me

Leanne and Andy

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Pft i have anemia it would seem...:eh: I have been prescribed Iron Tablets gahhhh i feel great though and dont look peaky? Oh hum anyways i was just wondering has anyone else had to take these and also is it better to take them before or after food because i really dont want a dodgy tummy!!!! Any experaince? Tips ect? Thank you :lol:
Hi, this happened to me too. I felt fine as well, I think it's just one of those things so don't worry.

I tend to take them with food cos then I remember to take them the 3 times a day I'm supposed to. Drink plenty of OJ, it helps absorb the iron.

TMI but get ready for some dark coloured number 2s!!

It may cause some constipation too.

Anything else, like you feel sick or have the runs then get in touch with your doctor, you may need to reduce the dosage.
Ohhh thank you.... Gunna morrisons in a hour so will get stocked up on oranges and orange juice! - And then pop my first pill after my tea lol a proper panicker over things and hate tablets lol :lol:
Yea take them with orange juice! I know the levels they judge anaemia at in a pregnant woman are different to what they normally would! My doc said my levels were fine, but mw said I was anaemic! I never had any toilet type problems, but my mum gets the runs off iron tablets! Complete opposite to everyone else lol
Whoops got carried away with myself lol! Meant to say the different Levels could be why you're feeling fine!
Thanks hun. Well im gunna dread doing it but will bite the bullet and take the pill ... i hate tablets :lol: Can anyone tell im a proper paranoid pill popper :)
im anemic (not pregnant) i have a 12 week course of iron tablets... warning.. they cause black poo haha
lol ^^^ :rofl: so true!!! drink with orange juice :) even though that could cause the shits more combined with iron pills. but its what they recommend! xx
Yeah they just found out I'm anaemic too. They expected it because a few weeks ago my iron levels were fine, about 12, but iron stores were low? (WTV that means?)
But now my normal iron has dropped too. The only effects I've had before is constipation.... having said that, I have ulcerative colitis (a form of inflammatory bowel disease) so that could be why I get constipated too! Isn't pregnancy fun!
I don't look pale or anything either... but am EXTREMELY tired... having said that, I assumed that was just being pregnant!
Just think of it as building up for after the baby comes and we lose more blood than normal

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