do you think animals can sense labour??


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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sounds daft and maybe my wishful thinking but my dog wont leave me alone, he is always near me and puts his head on my shoulder as if giving me a cuddle.

hes a labrador so quite big.

do you think they can sense labour coming x
Mine didn't! Wish she had though! Recon she knew I was pregnant before me though and she was right odd with me when I came home with baby, like she didn't want to be near me for a few days!
ah bless x

mines being really loving x
i think they could my cat is very odd wiv me since my bfp so will be interesting to see if she notices labour sighns
my labrador always jumps up at us for a fuss when we come home, he still does this with my OH but hasnt jumped up me for months, just fusses round me.

im gonna keep an eye on his movements and stuff over these next few weeks see if anything else changes xx
She was really fussy with me when I got my BFP and just before as well. Funny how she seemed really odd when I came home from hospital, recon I smelt bad, I felt like I did lol! She's great with Kynon though, a proper nanny dog she jumps up when he crys and looks at him as if she wants to make sure hes ok and always wants to 'help' with nappy changes!
ive just had mw here and my lovely friendly dog growled at her, lol just as id said its ok hes friendly WTF!!!!
My cats been no different with me, he's still naughty and bites :/
Not sure but my cats definatley know im pregnant, always trying to cuddle my bump but always so careful :)
my dog is a maltese, and i'm pretty sure he's jealous of my bump. i used to go everywhere with him but now that i have the extra weight i cant carry both of them. when i sit he gets on my lap and starts to jostle with my bump for lap space.... i just laugh and push him off. sends him off into a snooty rage and the next thirty minutes he's back trying to get me to play tag with him. lol

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