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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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...dulse where you are?

Dulse being a type of purple edible seaweed that you get in a wee paper bag for 50p from newsagents etc.

It's been a favourite snack of mine since I was tiny, and yesterday I was walking along happily eating my dulse when it hit me --I'm eating seaweed--

Just wondered if this is another weird irish thing (like bombing your neighbours and making illegal alcohol out of potatoes) or if it is actually eaten in other places :D
nope, I've only ever had seaweed with chinese and it's not really seaweed it's fried cabbage :think:
dont think we have it here either, ive never had it anyway :think:
I've had it..... but not seen it in a LONG time!
Nope, we haven't got it either. I'd love to try some, though. Sounds tasty. I love seaweed when I eat sushi, so it shouldn't be much different, right?
We don't have it, but we buy it on-line!!

My dad's family is from Moville and I always remember them arriving here with bags full of paper bags (like 10p mixture bags) full of the stuff!

My poor dad has to order it on-line now and it's never as good, but he needs his fix!

zebrastripes said:
I knew it, we're freaks of nature over here. :lol: :lol:

Speak for yourself :lol:

I really thought everywhere had it? :think: Mind you, its absolutely minging and salty :puke:
Never heard of it! :) Mind you, where I grew up it was about as far away as you could get from the sea lol.
I've never heard of this either, but back home in Wales we do have laver bread which is seaweed it's green slimy stuff :puke: Your purple seaweed sounds better!
:D Zebrastripes funny you should mention this i was walking along the beach on sunday and i was telling my boyfriend about dulse and as he is Dutch he had never heard of it :) when i was young we used to buy it at the market along with jars of cockles n mussels :)
ShineyHappyPeople said:
zebrastripes said:
I knew it, we're freaks of nature over here. :lol: :lol:

Speak for yourself :lol:

I really thought everywhere had it? :think: Mind you, its absolutely minging and salty :puke:

Oh come on you know it's true :lol: do you call the ice cream van the pokey van by any chance? :lol:
I just asked my OH (hes from South) and he hadn't heard of it!!! He knew lots about pocheen though!
My bos is Irish and was on about this the other day, she has promised to bring me some back when she returns home in the summer :)

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