do you feel like a target??


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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This is probably a stupid question but I just wanna clear up if it's a pregnant thing or if it's just me being paranoid..

Do you feel like more of a target when you walk around town..? It's hard to explain.. I just assume everyone's out to get me, and I feel like really protective of my bump..

When I walk around I hold my bag like really close to me, because I feel like I stick out of the crowd instead of just being 'another girl' walking around.. you know, like bad people would think I'm more vulnerable or something..?

I keep having bad dreams about being stabbed in the belly too. I don't know why, so anyone that looks at all dodgy I'm convinced they've got a knife and they wana stab me and I sorta breathe a sigh of relief when they walk past.

I'm usually very paranoid anyway so I suppose it's just my way of being protective, but I worry what I'm gonna be like with a pram!

Anyone else feel more vulnerable out and about..?
Yes especially yesterday! I was walking along the path and there was 2 old ladies infront of me, one of them turned round and saw that I was trying to walk past so moved over. I started walking faster so I could over take and then all of a sudden that stupid woman who moved for me walked back infront of me again just as I was about to walk past and this big lorry came down the road and almost clipped me, I could feel just brush past me!!! I shouted "bloody hell excuse me can I get passed before I get run over"
I was so close to getting hit by that lorry because of that silly stupid old slag bag, she could see I was trying to walk passed and even moved out of my way before changing her mind and deciding that I wasn't allowed to over take them!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
I'm always covering my bump when i'm out and about because there are some stupid clumsey people out there.
I think it has to do with our change in personal space....usually you like a set amount of space around you that strangers just can't enter type thing, when your pregnant that space tends to start way out in front of you where other people just don't consider personal space because they are not close to "you" type thing. I hate it, especially in supermarkets and the like - I don't feel like people are out to get me etc just that they don't have any concept of what additional space pregnant ladies want and need type thing.
I was in a que for the cash machine yesterday and there was this lad standing right up close behind me. He made me really uncomfortable- i dont want to stereotype anyone but he looked like a bit of a gangsta. I was in 2 minds whether to give him a lecture on personal space zones :lol:
Defintely agree with all you on some level, my personal space has changed alot.I find when im walking around town (and wisbech is dodgy) that im protective towards my bump and very protective towards my son so i now keep him in a buggy.The other day we were in QD and some woman moved hijm out of the way and i went ballistic at her.Whether i was wrong too or not remains to be seen but i dont want some weirdo touching my child, there are too many freask out there now and we have to protect our kids and i feel the same towards my bump.

Im considering getting a sling when shes born to carry her when i go into town so people cant see her,I hate it when people lean over your NB and you dont even know them and go awww etc.It annoys the hell out of me.
Tell them to piss off when you get looks like that zebra, who are they to judge you?
Oh, I've been so tempted to, but so far I've managed to keep cool. Although I was stuck on the bus the other day with two old cows who looked like they were sucking lemons every time they glanced in my direction....had to force myself to give them a big cheesy grin :D
zebrastripes said:
"Oh look,pregnant teenager with her bump sticking out a mile".....

People look at me like this all the time - even the young girls I would look at and think were dressed all slaggy seem to be 'above' me at the moment..! Argh!
But aren't you 20 something? I would have thought that was an acceptable age for the judgemental idiots :D What really gets me is, I'm an A student, I've only ever slept with one guy, I'm not a stoner or anything, yet I'M the slut? When there's girls in my school who have been sleeping around since they were 12, and they are the ones looking down on me, because i decided to keep my baby, (instead of having 3 abortions before the age of 15, like one girl I know)

Honestly can't understand the mentality of people sometimes
zebrastripes said:
But aren't you 20 something? I would have thought that was an acceptable age for the judgemental idiots :D What really gets me is, I'm an A student, I've only ever slept with one guy, I'm not a stoner or anything, yet I'M the slut? When there's girls in my school who have been sleeping around since they were 12, and they are the ones looking down on me, because i decided to keep my baby, (instead of having 3 abortions before the age of 15, like one girl I know)

Honestly can't understand the mentality of people sometimes

I'm 22 but look younger when I have my hair down.
I'm convinced the old people look at me like I'm a single mom too - not that there is anything wrong with single moms of course, I wasn't saying that - but I get such a look sometimes when I'm out doing a basket of shopping. It's like they're watching me and mocking me if I don't pack fast enough.. and probably wondering why I'm out during the day, ie not working lol
I got rammed by a shopping trolly in asda by a couple of pensioners. They definitly saw me and you can tell that i'm pregnant. And when i say ramed, i do mean me and not my trolly! full force in the side. :evil:
they didnt apolagise and they gave ME the dirtiest look you can imagin.
Aw :( It's funny how people automatically steroetype isn't it? If you're young and pregnant,doing the shopping alone and pregnant...pregnant and pregnant...
Although,of all the teen mums I've met since being pregnant, not one of them has been slutty or trashy or anything..and my mum was a single mum for 6 years and she did a great job.
The old people are the worst though...especially the ones from my nan's church..arggh
Some woman rammed me the other day as well! and it was a bloody oap, told her to mind herself and she was rude so told her to fuck off! I cant keep my temper in check with anyone at the mo, i have no patience for these idiots where i live.
I think it's normal to be so protective and wary of things or people banging into your bump. I hate it when we go food shopping because some people are so careless of how they push their trolley :roll:
i felt vulnerable with my bump and im afraid to say i feel even more scared now shes out!
Some fat guy just stopped in the middle of the high street, had already seen me walking behind him, and my packed iceland bags banged on him.. he had the nerve to say 'oi watch it luv', and i was so angry i was like 'well you might wanna not stop when there's a pregnant lady with heavy shopping behind you'.. he just tutted at me, but still, argh! I'm not one to say anything usually as I get too worried, but he annoyed me! :x
Just home from Sainsburys....2 men decided in the middle of the isle to swing their trolley around to face the other way, the supermarket was crazy, so busy...the first man I tutted at and gave him a mad look, the second I made him apologise...hehe he scuttled off!!

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