Do they have to be so rough!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I just got back from my appointment with the midwife who was accompnied by a student. Need I say sorry sorry but I thought she was a bit rough with me.
I layed on the bed and the midwife asked the student to have a feel of my stomach which I found to be very unpleasent actually!
She was really digging and prodding the baby and you could tell my poor lickle baby really didn't like it much, she was kicking and wriggling like mad and i'm sure she was trying to get away from the clutches of the evil student. After she poked and prodded for a bit she got this trumpet type thing and put one end on my stomach and listened to the other end, she dug it in my belly quite hard and the baby kicked it and the trumpet thing jabbed her in the cheek :lol:
She said the baby is the right size, she's not big but she isn't small either but she wants to keep an eye on how the baby grows because she said she's the right size now but she might not stay the right size so if at 31 weeks she thinks the baby is to small then i'll have to have a growth scan. :(
Awww Vicky, sorry you had a sh1tty time babe, but fingers crossed for a growth scan to see your LO again ( especially if they say LO is perfect ;) )
FeeFee said:
Awww Vicky, sorry you had a sh1tty time babe, but fingers crossed for a growth scan to see your LO again ( especially if they say LO is perfect ;) )

Oooooh yeah omg I can't belive I didn't think of that! I'll get to see her again :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I've just come back from my midwife appointment, but she was really nice and asked if she could touch my stomach and said sorry for all the prodding. Sorry you had a bad time with the student, thats why im not sure if i want one there when i give birth.
I always find the belly prodding too rough too :(

If your baby is the right size now then what makes her think that it might not be right size at 31 weeks? :think:

Snuggles quote
If your baby is the right size now then what makes her think that it might not be right size at 31 weeks?

This was my thought exactly. Don't worry about it Vicky I am sure if your baby is the right size now it will continue to grow at the normal rate.

Btw poor you for being attacked by the student hopefully she won't be there when you go for your 31 week apt.
I dont know to be honest snuggle :think:
I asked her if she thought my bump was to small and she said she thought it was that's why she wanted to make sure all the measurements were done. She said the baby is the right size so I don't see the point in causing me more worry and upset by saying she might stop being the right size.
I wouldnt worry about it hunny, dont think she should have said that considering baby is right size now :?

:hug: :hug:

aww hun i wouldnt worry so much :hug: im sure LO is fine sorry you had such a bad time
maybe she doesnt know that shes being rough, when i had a student feel my belly i told her if i felt she was too heavy handed- otherwise how is she going to know? :hug:
Know what you mean, they don't half prod you about don't they! But baby is very well cushioned in there, it is not doing any harm!

Someone at work had their second baby a few weeks ago and were asked when she came in if they would mind a student being present. They said it was OK and had an amazing experience with her. She was only a couple of months from being qualified. She stayed with them the whole time, constantly talking her through her contractions, how she was doing, when to push etc....where as the midwife came and went all the time. She had a very short labour - 3 hours, no pain relief, no stitches etc... went home about 5 hours later.

So don't dismiss students completely?!?
The student midwife i had in cheshire accompaining me was really nice and very professional and always asked if she could touch my belly, inlike a lot of them.

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