Do men just act stupid?!?!!!


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Seriously pissed off!!! on 3 different occasions last night OH showed off his great parenting skills...

First of all I ask if Ella needs her bum changing he said no then passed her to me, she had done a poo!!!

Then I asked him to check the temp of the bath whilst I undressed her he said it was ready, luckily I checked myself as it was boiling hot still..!!!

Then before bed I asked him to check if her bottle was ready, he said yes and without thinking I put it straight in her mouth, she spat it straight out and started to cry... it was too hot!!! now i feel awful for not checking myself!

He is such a twat! I'm not sure if he does it on purpose so I dont ask him again or whether he is just a complete arsehole?

How could I ever leave Ella with him alone? She is almost 7 months old and he has never been alone with her!
:hug: what did he say afterwards? Big hugs xx

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Ugh I'm convinced it's on purpose like when they do chores really badly so it ends up more work than if you do it yourself.
Nothing! He just said "it felt ok to me" about the bath and the bottle and he didnt smell the nappy!

He didn't seem upset that he nearly burnt her!!

He stormed off and went to the pub like he's done tonight!
Ugh I'm convinced it's on purpose like when they do chores really badly so it ends up more work than if you do it yourself.

Exactly!! But risking burning your own child so you don't have to run a bath or make a bottle again is just disgusting so I really hope it wasn't a case of that!
I dunno they know we check these things though ya see, next time you make him a cup of tea boil the milk so he knows what it feels like to drink something too hot hehe j/k ..... maybe. I say for every job they get out of like this we find one big "man" job for them to do.
What a git (sorry) I would have gone absolutely psycho on him!!! Doesn't he realise you want leave her with him? My oh would be mortified if that was the case, they are meant to be the one person you should trust!!
I think he needs a long talking too! Without him running off to the pub x
What a twat. My OH is much more paranoid about stuff than even I am, he won't let Albert near anything he's not sure of. And running off to the pub with the strop is so mature huh?

Don't feel bad about the bottle chick, you shouldn't have to double check absolutely everything he does :hug: xxxxxxxx
How on earth do you cope, 7 months and he hasnt had her on his own. Id hit the roof if that was me and give him some very patronizing parenting lessons.

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I think we should all pile round your house and use him like a pinata :D
Combination of stupidity and lack of inclination I'd say xxxxx
I think we should all pile round your house and use him like a pinata :D

I'm in if sweets actually do come out :D

Sorry he's being a pratt him. It's one of those things you shouldn't have to worry about. And yes I'd have gone mentalist too.

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