Dishwasher Users


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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How often do you need to put the salt granuels in...

Our machine has a light that comes on when you need to top it up and this last while back it seems to be needing topped up more and more often :think:

Please just say it's the water that has changed and it not the end of my machine.... it's only like 3yrs old!!
I put salt in every mth, jus to top it up really - never had a light tellin me to do it
Mines every 2 or 3 months. But it's well and truely blocked at the mo! I hope it's not the end of mine as it's only 3 years old too.

Mine's got a light for salt and rinse aid.
not sure i dont use the salt as mine has an on/off switch for if you use the 5 in 1 tablets that contain the salt. i used to fill my old one around every month i think and it did seem to keep needing more each time!

I had a new machine that I topped full with new salt back in March /April time and it's only just come on to tell me it needs to be re-filled.
I have no idea how to refill ours :oops:
We use the finish tablets that have salt and rinse aid in them, but the light is on telling us to refill both.
We don't have the instructions as we were given it by a friend who was getting divorced and moving away (capitalising on someone elses grief and all that :oops: ) just going to keep going till it blows up i suppose!
Well, I used to just top it up once a month, but recently the light it coming up before a month is past.

I also use the tablets with the rinse aid and salt, but it doesnt seem to make a different!
Every 2-3months... there is a light, but I never look at it, just bang some in when I rmbr!!

I find if I dont keep the salt toped up then the patterns on the glasses (iv got tigger on some, and pooh on others) fades and then dissparears.
when i remember lol ive had it 2 years and think ive put salt in like 3 times :oops: xxxxxxxx

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