

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i need to strengthen my resolve :(

i do really well up to a point but then i cave, and i think this is probably worse than no discipline at all, coz im teaching her that if she screams and tantrums for x amount of minutes then she'll finally get her own way :(

for examples earlier, millie was having a bit of a post-nappychange tantrum and she pulled out a clump of my hair in temper. i felt quite proud of my reaction actually coz i got that little "snap" of anger but i didnt even feel i *had to* control myself or anything- even tho if an adult pulled my hair out its not beyond me to slap them- i didnt even find myself reacting like that to my baby i didnt feel any impulse whatsoever that i would normally feel with an anger "snap". which im really pleased about coz its a fear of mine that i might one day smack her out of temper (i dont believe in it for discipline).
so anyway i picked her up with a straight face and calmly placed her on the other couch, then sat on the other one and ignored her. i thought i'll have to ignore her to teach her pulling hair out is wrong! she climbed off and shuffled over to me on her knees with her arms outstretched to me screaming. i resisted for ages and she was tailing off but i looked at her little snuffley face and felt so sorry for her that i scooped her up and cuddled her before the episode was over :(
i think i did more harm than good :( or is she too little to learn like this? :think:
I think what you did sounds fine. At this age you can't ignore them for ages to drive the point home.
i used to do the same with madam :rotfl: but I used to ask her if "are you going to be nice now"

Although she didn't pull hair just bit and headbutted :talkhand:
I think this is ok, I've started doing the same with Matilda if she throws a tantrum, I jus put her down and walk away or sit and ignore her, I then ask her if she's 'finished', i used to give in but now the screaming and sobbing is getting shorter, if when i pick her up she starts again i just put her down again. I'm sure my neighbours wonder what the hell is going on though as boy she can scream!!!!! i did it while my MIL was here yesterday and I have asked her to do the same should she ever have her on her own and Matilda starts cause it's pointless if it's only me that does it.
just perservere

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