Disapointed in Tescos!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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i have always used Tesco nappys for Maisy, they dont leak, they are very soft, cute pics on them etc............until i bought size 3!
they are horrible!
they have crap pics and they are soooo sharp around the legs.
just thought what a shame.
tried Asdas but they are the same(prob made by same company)
do they think that because our babies are growing there is less need for comfort?
just wondered if anyone else thought the same
(Morrisons seem to be the best in size 3)
i hate tescos own they leak awful with nathan. i buy aldi nappies theyre reasonably priced never leak and seem to fit him well.
Ive tried tesco's but it was ages ago the ones i like and they seem to be fine is sainsbury's own brand i think they are great :cheer:
Alex is in Tesco's size 3 at the moment.

They actually do two size 3's. There is size 3 superfit which are in a purple pack, and size 3 baby essentials which are in a green pack.

I bought a purple pack first, and those leak. Then I bought a green one, and those don't!

Both are for 9-20lbs.

I find the green ones to be less sharp than the purple aswell.

Which ones is it that you tried?
I use the tesco junior easy up pants for Isaac. They do them in quite small sizes, not just for toddlers. I love them, they hardly ever leak, never leave marks on Isaac's legs and Isaac has never had nappy rash. I'm sure the pull ups come in sizes midi then maxi then junior. I have always found them alot easier to put on and take off too as there is no messing around with tabs and trying to line up the picture so its in the middle and the nappy is on straight.

Lou :)
I preferred the size 1 & 2 Tesco nappies to the size 3+ ones too. Austin's just moved to size 4s & I still mainly use Tesco ones because they're really absorbent & Austin can last the night without a nappy change.
I love the new tesco nappies and stephen is fine in them and will switch imogen over to them too when shes in size 3 which is a long way off yet!
Xena said:
They actually do two size 3's. There is size 3 superfit which are in a purple pack, and size 3 baby essentials which are in a green pack.

I bought a purple pack first, and those leak. Then I bought a green one, and those don't!

I find the green ones to be less sharp than the purple aswell.

I did exactly the same thing and agree with you that the green 'baby essentials' are better (and also have prettier pictures!) and whats more, they are cheaper too!
only used pampers #1 huggies #1 2 and 3 and asdas #3. might try the super markets own brands. liked papmpesr and asdas #1's. pampers #2 leaked. know its about tescos but its hard for me to get to tescos lol until they shut down one stop :cheer:
I used to really like Tesco own brand as the material was very similar to Pampers (soft and flexible) but they seem to have changed recently to a scratching horrible stiff nappy which I hate!!! ?They look and feel awful and cheap!
Aldi and Lidl I find are very good and the Aldi all over frog design is really cute!!!! Tend to use pampers most of the time though as I seem to have vouchers and special offers available.

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