

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Ok so Im gonna give abit of background as Htis is why i feel bad.
My dad has had m.s since he was 21, its gradually got worse, and now hes 46 hes just called me to say hes had a relapse(think thts the word?) and cant move and is in bed and cant do anything and has careers coming round to help him wash etc =/
hes been in a wheelchair for atleast 10 years and I just feel so sorry for him.
He put me through private school for most my life and always gave me everything I asked for.
Hes very good to me, and just feel bad that hes like that.
I mean hes not one to complain, hes travelled the world and has 2 books out and published, so hes such a strong guy & id no hed hate me to feel bad or sorry for him.
But anyway, me and my partner have just got back together and I know he just wants me to be happy, so hes just said he wants to give me £200 for me and my partner to spend the night in this posh hotel where i live and treat ourselves to a nice meal and room service etc.
I just feel really bad taking this money of him.
he already helps me out alot in the month.
I dont see him alot but thats because he cant really drive safely now his m.s is getting worse but is always very good to me finanually.
Would you accept the money and go for the night out or not?
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Hey hon, firstly sorry about ur dad hon - must be a real worry for u.

As regards the money, if it doesn't leave him short, I think I would take it - my reasoning being that I imagine it makes him really happy to be able to do something really nice for his daughter and he probably really wants to do it
k x x x
id agree with karenandbump, i think it would make him happy to see u enjoying ur self and being happy too,

i think he would prefer to see u happy now, than not bein able to see u happy when he isnt here,
thats what my daddy allways says to me, he would prefer to see me happy now and help me out financially n to see me benefit from him working 2 jobs, having his own business n 2 houses than when he isnt here, cos he cant see me happy then,

i kno its kinda not a nice way to look at it, but as my nan keeps tellin all the family (shes been told she wont see xmas due to severe lukemia and having a massive stroke) please spend all my hard earned money now so i see u all happy ,than being a miserable when i cant see u happy cos im in a box 6ft under, cos i cant take it with me luvvy" n'aww gota love her n her 98yrs of wisdom :)

Sorry to hear about your dad i know how you feel as my mum has ms too she had a relapse in the new year but thankfully isn't too bad now (ingers crossed) and i know she always says to me that she wants to see us enjoy ourselves and help us out why she can and maybe thats what your dad is doing hun!!

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