Difficult decisions....


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Was doing a little research in preparation for my midwife appointment - where she said I need to say where I'd like to have the baby.

I wanted to have the baby at our local hospital (less than a mile down the road) but it turns out they can't do epidurals there - just gas & air, tens etc as it;s a nurse led unit. If I want an epidural I'll have to go to one of the bigger hospitals.

Now then, my concerns are these:

1) I say that I want to go to the local unit and then need transferring - I DONT want to go to the nearest hospital as that's where they were so awful to us when we lost the baby I would want to go to the next nearest one where everyone has been nice - but I dont know if I'd get that choice.

2) How do I know whether I'll want an epidural or not??????? I'd like to think I could do it without but am a bit of a wuss!

Any advice?
You could go for the Birmingham Womens?

It has a fantastic mid-wife led unit. I've heard great reports that they are all for letting labour progress very naturally, and it's decked out gorgeous with birthing pools and stuff.

BUT - it's on hospital site so if you do feel you need the epdiural or intervention is needed you're only a corridor away from delivery suite rather than an ambulance ride, as it would be from the Lichfield centre to major hospital.

A close friend gave birth 6 weeks ago and started in the unit but after a couple of days needed to go into delivery for the epi. She said the atmosphere was lovely in the centre but was glad to have the hospital close and hand when she needed it.

You DO have a choice, no-one can make you go to the horrible hospital if you don't want to. My sister had two great births at Good Hope. Is that near you?
Ooooh thanks Minxy - hadn't thought of that!

Might see if can go and have a look there if it's an option.
:hug: I'm a wuss too and I didn't even have G&A- just a couple of paracetemol.

The most important thing when you are in labour is how comfortable and relaxed you feel ( :rotfl: not that you will feel comfortable or relaxed but you know what I mean :rotfl: ...)
Why don't you go and have a look round both units? See what the postnatal facilities are like. The local unit might let your partner stay with you after the baby is born, whereas the bigger hospital might not. That would be almost as big a deciding factor for me as the pain relief. Most units will do a tour, so you can check them out.

If your pregnancy stays nice and normal, and you get your baby into a good position for labour, then there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to manage without an epidural. I've not gone through it myself yet (only 7weeks and 3 days) so I might be singing a different tune after it's all over!! I'm hoping for a waterbirth - I've heard great things about them, and I know that staying active will be more comfortable for me than having an epidural and all that goes with it - such as having to have a line in my hand, having to have a catheter and not being able to get up and walk to the loo myself.

Now I must see if I can figure out how to add a signature and one of those whizzy little countdown graphics thingumybobs.
Thanks Jade - I get what you mean though, and perhaps you feel more relaxed in a place you want to be in!

Thanks Curlygurl (and congrats!) I do think it would be a better experience if we didn't have epidurals and things to worry about - especially as hubby is so needle phobic it's not even funny. Will chat to the midwife about my options and then arrange to look around. As long as I dont end up at Burton I'm happy!!!!

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