Did you have a homebirth?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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I've just had the midwives confirm I can have a homebirth but they've said they don't routinely offer pethedine and I would need to have GP prescribe this.

I don't plan on having it but I really would like to know I can have it if I decide i need it at the time. The midwife said that in her 16 years of experience, she finds homebirth ladies don't need it.

So, did you have a home birth, did you have pethedine or not? How did you cope? Any other pain relief tips welcome!
Already replied to your homebirth post in 3rd tri, but thought I would add - I had a hospital birth with my daughter and didn't even need gas and air - I found that by really focussing on what my body was trying to do I got through it (I'm not normally a hippy LOL)
If you are up for a homebirth then it already shows you have the strength of mind to cope - you will be more than fine :D

ETA - not that I'm saying people who want a hospital birth don't btw!
lol i suppose I am a bit of a hippy at heart! (but then I have friends who are very hippy and I remember im more a pretend one!!!) :rotfl:
My Doctor friend said you have to have it early enough so as it has time to wear off from baby before birth. It crosses the placenta so makes baby sleepy and also maybe slow to feed in the beginning.

I'm planning a homebirth and its never even crossed my mind to take as pain relief. Its a pretty heavy duty drug to use in the early stages which can go on for a while IMHO. I'd rather have freedom of movement and baths/showers/massages etc to help me through that. Also birthing ball and breathing techniques to help me work through the contractions.

Also then a birthing pool for pain relief. Gas and air when I feel I need it.

My feeling is that if you use heavy pain relief so soon where are you going to be when in the final stages? I'd rather try to tolerate things are far as possible and look to alternatives over pethedine.
Firstly I didn't give birth at home, I only laboured there, but I do have some knowledge of homebirth painkillers so thought I'd post, hope its useful?
I was given a prescription for meptid as I refused Pethidine, meptid is 'less harsh', but I never actually picked up the prescription, I didn't want it as an option even though it was offered, I was happy enough at gas and air.

My best friend had a homebirth last summer and she had the option of taking an injectable painkiller, she did actually mention it a couple of times whilst in the heights of labour, her MW 'ignored' her asks and she ended up getting through just fine without.

If you want pethidine at home for your homebirth, have it, otherwise you could worry because you don't have it, it doesn't mean you have to have it, but you need to decide before hand as the GP needs to prescribe it for you before the birth.

My best advice would be that never say never and don't refuse anything, just have your preferences and see how the day goes. Practise your breathing techniques daily from now, you'll be amazed how far breathing correctly will get you :hug: very best wishes :hug:
i had a home birth, and did not need pethidine.

i didnt wanna have any drugs in, but the MW warned me if i ended up not being able to cope with the pain, i would hav to transfer to hospital to get the drugs- and i didnt want that, so i got some in just in case (not pethidine tho, meptid?) i got it prescribed by my GP.

tbh i forgot about it! but i managed without in the end :cheer:

theres no harm in getting some in, just in case. good luck with ur home birth!
Hey there,

I had a happy homebirth with no pain relief in July 2007 (birth story is in link in my sig).

I chose a homebirth as I knew that pain relief during birth wasn't high on my list of requirements, whereas a chilled out homely non-medicalised environment was. I just had gas&air as a pain relief option (I wasn't offered anything else), but didn't need it and relied upon the tens machine and the water from the birthing pool to help me instead.

I guess its up to you - in my opinion, if pain relief is important to you, then plan to give birth in hospital otherwise plan to give birth at home.

My other pain relief tips would be - try hypnobirthing training (I just used a book and CD), homeopathy, eye contact (I know it sounds barmy, but it really worked for me), tens (was fantastic for me), water with your partner pouring jugs of water over your back/tummy (where the pain is) and most importantly of all - an environment you feel comfortable in.

Good luck!

Valentine Xxx
thanks ladies,

the midwife is coming today so I can ask her a few questions I want answers to but over all I'm happy.

I plan on using paracetamal, the bath, arnica, breathing etc to get me through it. I read the hypnobirthing book and listened to the cd but havent not been doing the suggested daily excercises. I might give it another whirl today though.

My only other worries are about being given space since I will be at home. I know mum will want to visit once baby is born which is fine but I also know she'll outstay her welcome. I'm thinking of having Mick text her when it's okay to come round but stating that its max of two hours visiting - or whatever feels right on the day.
i had homebirth. only used the pool and gas and air. i think your more aware and need to be in control of yourself at home.. i had meptide with charl and knew i didnt want it again.. it made me lathargic.
TBH it really helped me not to have any pain relief there as it meant I couldn't have any. I wanted gas and air but it wouldn't bloomin work so I had my TENs and also went into the bath which was so lovely and really hleped. Obviously I could have gone to the hospital if I really needed something more (even though I did beg to go quite a lot during labour lol) but am so pleased that afterwards I had nothing. It meant that I had to find alternatives, whereas with my first birth I was just accepting anyhting they offered. Do what you feel is right for you, if you feel better having it there then get it prescribed.
I only had a few breaths of gas and air :shock: I was the kind of person who was adament before that I wanted EVERYTHING to relieve the pain but it really wasn't as bad as I thought.
I had a wonderful home birth with no pain relief almost a year ago (birth story in sig if you fancy a read!). I said there was no way I wanted pethidine & wouldn't have used it ven if it was the only option available. I hate the idea of not being in control, and that it can cross the placenta & make baby sleepy.

It's a personal choice but I would never opt for pethidine.
thats a fantastic story, it sounds like you had a wondeful experience - ill be happy if mine goes half as smoothly!
It really was a great way to have a baby - I was scheduled for a hospital birth but Finn came a bit sooner and quicker than expected so I ended up having him at home. We didn't have to worry about visiting hours etc and from my parent's point of view it was lovely seeing their grandson an hour or so after he was born. We had chinese for dinner which you wouldn't have in hospital :rotfl:
im planning a home birth , i have no idea what pain relief the midwife brings ...in fact i dont know ANYTHING about what they bring (agreed home birth on phone at 30 weeks and wont see her til 39 weeks!!) but I dont care...as long as im at home!!

heres hoping we get our home births and dont go overdue :pray: :pray:

i have the same worries about visiting too, cos OHs family will travel quite a way to see the baby and it wil seem rude for them to travel 3 hours down and then i kick them out after 30 minutes lol, oh well, tough!!
gymbabeliz, the MWs only bring gas and air. if u want TENS u hav to sort that out urself- buy one or hire from boots or summit- and if u want drugs u gotta get them off ur GP. obv epi's not an option at home. that gas and air is great stuff tho- as is water. good luck i hope y'all pregnant ladies hav happy home births they are fab! :hug:
trixipaws said:
gymbabeliz, the MWs only bring gas and air. if u want TENS u hav to sort that out urself- buy one or hire from boots or summit-

2 days after I had the baby (technically 3 weeks before my due date!) the lady from Sure Start was due to bring my tens machine. They let you borrow them for free here so maybe get in touch with them.
heles7 said:
thats a fantastic story, it sounds like you had a wondeful experience - ill be happy if mine goes half as smoothly!

If that comment's for me, thank you :D I had a great birth - just can't quite believe it was nearly a year ago :shock:

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be great :hug:
Good luck with your home births ladies :cheer: hope you have a fantastic experience!

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