DH Xmas present dilemma

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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So it's mine and DH's last Xmas before LO arrives. We're not spending much but I would like to get him something he really wants. He expressed an interest in an electric guitar to learn to play on. I can get one off ebay second hand for not too much money. My dilemma is that I reckon LO will arrive between New Year and middle of Jan. So I'm now wondering if an electric guitar is such a good idea. My only thought is that he can play it with headphones plugged into the amp so were not talking lots of noise. What do you reckon daft or not?
If it's something he really wants and you are able to get it for him then it's a really nice idea, the only problem is that he mightn't have time to use it once the baby arrives :eh:
That's what I thought but I want him to have something he really wants. I have to admit that I spoil him at Xmas and birthdays because all his close family live abroad and he only gets cards.
Aw then go for it, I'm sure he'll make time lol x
Id go for it. Even if he doesnt have time to use it a lot when LO arrives - he can always go back to it later. I still have my keyboard even though i dont play it much. I brought it up to uni with me so i could play it when im stressed. A guitar would be the same - its not like its gonna go out of date. lol
Thx ladies, I'm gonna hunt one down for him. Goes back on eBay if I've made a mistake looooool
I say go for it! he may not have time to play when baby is first born but once its a few months old & into a routine he could find time again. hope you manage to find one xx
Eeeeeeek! Picked one up inc an amp and everything the model he wants for £50 on eBay. Couldn't afford the same kit new at £200 :yay:. Just got to pick it up. Now just got to get him a set of headphones to plug into the amp. I.e. big hint for him to use earphones when he wants to play.
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