DH wants opinions!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2007
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And I quote... "We'll settle the question by letting the internet vote. Go post a picture on your forum."

So, ladies and gentlemen, I need your help if possible. I dressed Eli in some babylegs, but DH cracks up every time he sees them. :shakehead:

I present to you... in babylegs. Is he stylin' or is it a disaster? (Please ignore all the cloth nappies and towels, he'd just gotten out of the bath!)
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I love babylegs - we have several pairs :D
Honestly..... I can see where your OH is coming from.
They look cute but arent very "manly".
"FAME" anybody.

OH takes the piss out of Stanleys as well but I think he makes them look well macho.

Think chunky rugger socks more than fame. :wink: Elijah looks fabulous :D
lol im afraid i love babylegs maybe a minimal babygrow ??
Doesnt stop him looking cute as a button though !
thumbs up here, takes a real man to carry them off!!!
So cool! want some for Angel but cannot afford them.
I love them! Finlay has 3 pairs and OH hates them too but I love them :D

Save him wearing jeans all the time in the house :D
I have to agree with your oh on this one hun.
They dont look right on boys,
He is just so adorable thou bless him
I personally dont like them on boys :) He does look mega cute tho :D x
:rotfl: :rotfl: Pfft, my DH is winning in the polls it seems!

Maybe we'll compromise and I'll dress him like this when we're around the house. They are so useful with cloth nappies, gives lots more room :D Thanks all who voted! Even though DH is going to be insufferably smug now :rotfl:
Love them! Dafydd has a few pairs and ive just found a WAHM that does them called scrunchylegs a bit more like legwarmers.
chickadee1976 said:
Honestly..... I can see where your OH is coming from.
They look cute but arent very "manly".
"FAME" anybody.

Written better than I possibly could. I never even heard of them before.. he does look cute but my point goes to your OH I'm afraid cos yourphoto did make me laugh (not in a nasty way).
I've never seen these before but they made me smile :lol: I'm with your OH on this one hun, sorry :hug: :hug:
well I had to go back and re-read the post to check your LO was deffo a boy :oops: sorry hun :hug: :hug: on girls they would look great

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