DFS Advert


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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The one with "The Dillons", does this annoy anyone else? I can't stand this advert!! It seems to be on all the time! It drives me mad, AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!! :wall: Everytime it comes on OH says to me "Its your favourite advert again!"
jus saw it, OMFG HOW ANNOYIN!!! DFS does my head in anyway, nothin is ever full price!!!!
Yeah, v annoying :wall: Nothings as annoying as when they sung to Rockstar by Nickleback though....... :wall: :wall: :wall:
they really must die :shock:

Jeffmans Blog sums up exactly how i felt each time their rock star ad was on tv

"Jeffman often thinks that the adverts they foist upon an unsuspecting public between the unprocessed sewer water they try and pass off as television nowadays, are solely created to wind him, and him alone, up. There is probably a small quality control department in every advertising agency who’ve been issued with strict orders to pass nothing off unless there’s more than a 70% chance it will drive Jeffman to smashing his face through a plate glass window whilst gargling with vinegar.

One advert in particular has recently been causing ructions at casa del Mann, simply because of its sheer audacity when it comes to degrading a once proud human race. DFS and their marketing agency should be hauled off to the Hague, post-haste, and tried for crimes against humanity. Not even Saddam would’ve sank to something this low.

For those who haven’t already seen it, take a peak at the vid above, one of three variations of the advert - but be warned. Tis strong stuff indeed and not for the faint of heart. One would recommend a stomach nurtured on asbestos fritters and cast-iron curries.

I did warn you. That sheer affront to human dignity has on occasion caused Jeffman to vomit blood. Violently. At inopportune moments. Such as the time it invaded his line of sight from the window of a nearby Currys, and caused him to empty the contents of his stomach over a passing troop of small orphans on their first journey out into the bad, wide world since their parents had met with an unfortunate end in a bizzare hot air balloon/hedgehog incident.

But it would seem there is actually a glimmer of justice remaining in this dark and barren world; enough to deliver the occasional splinter of what must be pleasure to an otherwise tarnished existence.

Yes, the Advertising Standards Agency in all their implicit wisdom have banned the offending monstrosity. Never again will DFS be allowed to pollute Jeffman’s finely tuned cerebral cortex.

I suppose it’s only fair that I explain to any of our blind readers what the fuss is about. The DFS ad features a succession of what can only be described as outright cocks miming along to Nickleback’s ‘Rockstar’. The choice of song may be bad enough but it’s the shameless performances that really rankle, causing the involuntary loss of one’s breakfast and the previous night’s beer.

There are crack-whores who display more self-dignity and self-control than the assorted production-line gits that were employed in the making of this visual equivalent of chewing your way through the contents of a fourpack of lightbulbs, whilst suffering with a mouthful of ulcers. In fact, one has to wonder if they were employed at all, or whether there’s a little man just out of camera shot holding a HIV infected needle to the throats of their firstborns. How else could you guarantee such a genocide-inspiring performance?

Surely not money. Surely not! The human race hasn’t sunk that low in its pursuit of a few extra pennies, has it?

Oh sorry. I forget so easily. Of course it has.

But thankfully for those of us who don’t consider stripping ourselves of the remaining shred of dignity we’re still allowed, as a means to paying the bills, this is a small triumph.

All right, the ads have been banned because of a deceptive representation of the furniture sizes involved. But we all know, deep down, the real reasons because they’re 100% cringe-inducing slurry. Now all we need is for the ADA to ban adverts all together and Jeffman may once again get a decent night’s sleep."

I detest that advert. I mean if its mum and dad buying teh sofa, what the heck does it matter what gran or grandad wants??

actually I hate all sofa adverts.
Serendipity_ said:
Yeah, v annoying :wall: Nothings as annoying as when they sung to Rockstar by Nickleback though....... :wall: :wall: :wall:

God that was the WORST!!! I used to switch over as soon as that came on :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
God yes I feel your pain :wall:

Im at home way too much..most ads are driving me daft!

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