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Nov 20, 2009
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I have been referred on to a specialist midwife for depression and anything else that comes with it. She said she doesnt think im showing signs of depression but definatly signs of anxiety, higher than usual. I have to be monitored incase the depression comes on or something along those lines.

I was in a bad car accident almost 3 years ago which ended with the driver being a fatality, i was knocked badly by it and have not long finished councelling for depression and anxiety. (6 - 12 months ago).

I do not feel depressed although i have been feeling anxious about things but thats more on what my injuries could do to the baby and what effects the pregnancy could have on me.

My question is, has anyone else had to do this??
I feel a bit of a failure for it all being brought back up now and having to be watched like this.

Sorry this post is a bit jumbled but i can't word it any better.

Hi Katie, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation :( ... I've had a very traumatic past and when I was pregnant I wouldn't say I was necessarily depressed but I definitely had anxiety problems, and still do now to be honest.

I think you should take the help just in case, it's quite harmless, sometimes you don't realise how you are actually feeling if that makes sense? I wish I was given some help with my pregnancies but never was.

Don't feel like a failure or ashamed, I know how horrible it is to feel like you're being watched but they're only doing it for your wellbeing and your baby's. I think the worst thing is it never helps to dig up old wounds even if they're healed, it's like experiencing it all over again.

I hope this has helped a bit, just try to stay positive and don't let it play on your mind that it's something you've done wrong :)

dont feel bad at all hun... the fact that they are watchng you is a good sign. these things are much better nipped in the bud early. fingers crossed everything goes swimmingly and you have this forum to moan on all the time when its running perfectly!! :D xx
lisa is right, don't feel bad, just look upon it as them taking even better care of you :) :hug:
Crikey, love, don't be so hard on yourself! :hug: Without having had your experience/injuries, I'm sure that I speak for a LOT of women who are worried about what they've had happen/done to themselves will affect their chances of having a baby. I think it's completely normal to be anxious and it means you're going to be a responsible mum, so be proud of that :hug:

You're not being watched, you're being looked after and it's a POSITIVE thing. Please don't think of yourself as feeling like a failure, you've been through a very traumatic experience and it sounds like you are just being looked after, lovely.

I'd be proud of myself, if I were you, of having gone for counselling in the first place. So many people aren't brave enough to do that , to their own detriment. Big :hug:
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thank you for replying.

I know this will have happened to other people but i still feel as if im the only one, if that makes any sense.

I don't depressed right now which is good but i feel like i have to watch my back. i think im getting paranoid tbh as if im going to fail at a test. :???: So confused!
Pregnancy is worrying for all women, nevermind what you're going through. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you :hug:

I can't comment on depression/anxiety, but if you're worried about old injuries reoccurring during pregnancy then I can comment on that. When I was in second tri, I was in a very bad horse riding accident. I broke my back, and was paralysed from the waist down, luckily only temporarily. It was horrific, and I had to go through the rest of my pregnancy. There was talk of giving me an early c-section, total bed rest, etc. In the end though my body coped perfectly fine. I even ended up having a back to back labour and it was all ok. I haven't had any ongoing health problems at all.

I was also put under specialist care, but a lot of people are. Don't feel like you're being singled out, they are just there to offer you more help if you need it. A MWs job is to care for the Mother first and foremost. I ended up having to be cared for my senior MWs and consultants and scanned regularly. Lots of people have to do this for hundreds of different reasons. You won't be the first person, and they are just looking after you :hug:
I just wanted to leave some of these :hug:
Don't have any experience Hun but when I was 17 and had just met my hubbie to be we were involved in a nasty accident that left a motor cyclist paralysed! I often question why we went that way, why I was 10 mins late ect! And although I don't have any answers I just count my lucky stars each time that I am still here. Sending you massive :hug:
Hiya Hun I know how you feel im suffering with bad Anxiety and have had to come off my tablets due to the pregnancy,
Dont know if its the same sort of anxiety but mine is to the point i wont leave the house by myself and think horrible thoughts about things that dont need to be thought about!!
I get extra help from my midwife, But honestly you are not a failure and it doesnt make you any different to anyone else!! Big Hugs xx
:hug: If you ever feel like it's all getting too much I'm not too far away and would be happy to meet up in liverpool or somewhere for a coffee :) xx

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