
Please don't be worried :hug: :hug:

I'm sure your LO is happy! Finlay doesn't smile all that often but has became more animated recently. Half the time he only laughs cos we say something stupid to him.

Please don't go by pictures in here either - we can sit with a camera for AGES before we get a decent picture. You sould see all the other grumpy ones :lol:
My LO never smiles either. We only have 2 photos of him smiling so far! He giggles if I tickle him and he smiles when he sees the dog but thats about it!
I can struggle to get a smiley picture. I have to say 'Boobies' in a high pitched voice! Usually does the trick! :rotfl:
Becky&Willow said:
jazzmum2be said:
Sorry to be a pain, but what does Lo mean?

I always took it to mean Little one

Me too but it doesnt matter she is my loved one too.

As everyone else has said all our babies have grumpy days and if we only post the pics we want people to see. I have loads of grumpy baby pics too.
My niece never really smiled when she was a baby, thinking about it she doesnt really smile that much now and she's 2 next month. She will laugh and giggle when I tickle her but she doesnt smile when I smile or pull a funny face.

I woudnt worry, im sure you havent scarred her.
plPlease dont be worried about this.

It takes me ages making stupid noises and sounds to Dylan to get him to smile and even then i never can catch it on camera :wall:

Im sure your LO is happy and loves her mummy xx
please dont worry :hug: as the other ladies have said babies rarely smile all the time and i have some really grumpy photos of caden :rotfl:
Thanks ladies, I was worried that I'd emotionally scarred her! :hug: :hug:

You haven't :D

You'll get fab pics soon enough ;)

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