decisions decisions


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I see that there are a lot of posts in tri2 about team green, blue or pink. I always thought i would definately want to know the sex as i am impatient. However i can honestly say that i don't mind of i have a girl or a boy so now i'm wondering if i should hold out for that big surprise. My DH wants to know as he doesn't see why anyone would not want to know :lol: We have ages to decide as my next scan isn't until January. I was just wondering why you chose to find out or not? Also, for those staying team green, did you later wish you'd found out?
hello hun

Well I am staying team green because it was my OH who said you dont have many suprises in life so why not have this as a suprise. I think if it was down to me I would have found out, but after my 20 week scan I was so happy that I hadnt because I cant think of anything better than the OH saying its a Boy!!!!! its a girl!!!!!!! when I have been in labour!!!

It is hard because I want to buy blue and pink things but then I have all that to look forwsrd to after the baby!!! Also with it being first chile/grandchild I wanted a big suprise

Do you want to find out or just the OH?

I'm not sure. Part of me wants to know but i'm worried in case after finding out i feel disappointed that it won't be a big surprise. Like you, I think that moment when your DH can say 'it's a ...' would be wonderful. Also, it would be great to make that big announcement that you had a ....
Exactly how I felt!!! I was thinking what difference would it make after my 20 week scan knowing what I am having! and the answer was none because I am already over the moon! I want to be able to say to everyone I had a..........

But I also think it would be nice to find out aswell, decisions decisions I totally agree it was a hard one!! and I am having a private scan aswell so I wont be finding out then either!

Good luck resisting temptation a second time. Hope you don't cave!

We had our scan just over two weeks ago and we decided to stay team green, I was really really tempted to find out but am so glad now that we didn't, I cant wait for the nice suprise x
Well I shall throw a spanner in the works as we found out what we are having, main reason we are both far too impatient, and I also like to be organised, and loved the fact I could go out after my 20 week scan and look at all the fabulous little boys clothes, and although the nursery would suit either sex - its definitely more geared to a boy than a girl.

It also allowed us to choose his name, and I talk to him using his name.........its most definitely given me a very strong bond with my bump as I know my baby boy is growing inside me, and I just adore him already!
Am staying team green too! I like to keep everyone guessing including myself! Love all the girle/boy baby clothes out there but I also love all the whites/browns etc and if I was to find out am sure I would go all blue or all pink so am quite looking forward to putting him/her into little white things! (Weird reason) but like lilyblue and you think the surprise would be fantastic :D
I've been Green both times and for us it was more of deciding how and when to find out rather than the issue of surprise. I think it will be a lovely surprise whether you find out at your scan or at the birth but for me I loved the fact that it was my OH that told me our LO's sex rather than a doc or midwife.

I'm hoping for something similar this time, so either I tell OH or we discover together or he tells me. It was something that made Lucy's birth special.
I haven't found out either time and haven't regretted it at any stage. It hasn't effected how I bonded with my son and I loved the fact that it was my OH who told me we had a son. I'm really looking forward to that moment again this time.

Plus it's fun to guess what sex baby is - I've lost count of the number of people who've told me I'm DEFINITELY having a girl/boy this time :lol:
With our first two we didn't find out as we wanted the surprise but with no.3 we decided we wanted to know this time. With this one no.4 I didn't want to know but my hubby and the three kids were all desperate to find out and so I went with the flow. I don't think knowing or not knowing has made any difference to how I have bonded with my kids and I haven't gone crazy buying pink things for no3 or blue things this time just in case they were wrong.
I was team green with my son and staying that way this time too - I just love surprises to be honest although when my son was born the moment of my DH saying its a ......... was kinda slow because we had an emergency section my DH was just stood in shock and the midwife was saying 'tell her what you have', 'tell her what you have david' for what seemed like ages and eventually david was like 'a a a a a wee boy'
Haha ella it was a bit like that for us!

I had an emergency section so they passed baby to OH and he just held her and stared at her a bit overwhelmed, I had to say "what is it!!" and he kinda went "oh, um..." and after a little look he said she was a girl! Still, I wouldn't change it for the world!
The cord was between DS's legs so I asked what it was and he said 'it's a baby'. Er yes... i got that much :lol: he worked it out eventually though.
maybebaby said:
The cord was between DS's legs so I asked what it was and he said 'it's a baby'. Er yes... i got that much :lol: he worked it out eventually though.

awww thats sweet, he must have been so overwhelmed!

We're not finding out because I think thats all part of the surprise and know of a few ppl who have been told the wrong sex so don't want to go down that route!

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