Cyst behind my bellybutton?!.. eh what.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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I've had infected bellybutton's in the past.. so i thought that's what this was.. usually with some antibiotics and cleaning with salt water i was good to go.

A couple of days ago just above my belly button started hurting, like majorly, now to the point where it hurts to turn, roll, lie and sit certain ways, and that's just lovely considering i've got to accomidate Logan aswell haha.

I was sitting yesterday and all of a sudden this whiff caught my nose, i put my hand down to my bellybutton and there was all this fluid! i totally freaked out thinking my bellybutton had exploded (yes i know! but Logan's lying right against it so i thought the added pressure had finally made it pop) .. there was clear liquid with hard white bits in it, then the liquid turned snottery green and was GUSHING EVERYWHERE, i kid you not.

So i cleaned it out with salt water and the pain lessened (obviously because all the gunk had decided to evacuate lol) and i figured that'd be the end of it because i'm on antibiotics anyway for my urine infection so that'd clear it up. Nope. Still leaking.

So i went to casualty and there's nothing they can do, except for advise me to make a GP appointment since they think its a cyst behind my bellybutton :(

Don't think it'll effect the baby, at least i hope not :(, how do they get rid of cysts? x
I would have thought antibiotics would do the job :wink:
My Oh has just had a very similar thing on his earlobe - he has had it before a few times and it pops pretty much as you describe yours - it recently came back and he went to see the GP last week, the GP popped it for him in the surgery (it was the biggest one had ever got on his ear) so basically the GP just squeezed all the gunk out for him and put a plaster on it, then prescribed some ant-bios and said to only use them if it began to hurt as though it was infected, but it just seems to have gone away now without the need to take them. Hope yours clears up soon hun xx

I think I'll squeeze it for him next time! I love squeezing spots!

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