Crying all the time-really pathetic shouldn't bother reading

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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It's all I've really done for the past couple of days :(

I'm so worried about this growth scan on thursday. Half of me thinks there must be something wrong to measure up to 4 or 5 weeks smaller sometimes, the other half thinks JUST LEAVE ME ALONE....then I feel guilty for wanting to be left to get on with it.

I'm just fed up, I can't do anything without being in pain or tired, and after always being so active it's killing me, but I have to rely on my OH for almost everything.

Nothing fits. I have like 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of joggers plus a couple of tops, as I decided when my bump shot out a few weeks ago I wasn't going to waste money on clothes I'd only wear a few more I feel like a skank all the time, always a mess. Now I'd love to be able to put on something nice, and OH said to go and said something, but at 37 weeks now and being a bit low on funds I really can't warrant going out and buying something. I'm about to go and get a bath, put some makeup on and do my hair to see if it feels better.

I can't get comfy. Everything hurts all the time and I'm fed up of just getting on with it. The only way I can really get remotely comfortable is lying on the floor propped up with the cushions off the sofa. My back hurts. I feel stretched, full, fat, bloated and urghhhhhhhhh.......

And I feel such an ungrateful cow moaning about this when I'm so lucky to be having a baby at the end of it all :cry:

Like I said in the title, I'm just feeling really pathetic and thought maybe sitting and typing it out might help...
It's totally normal! And really, do not worry about the scan. Like i said before, i had a growth scan at 39+5. No idea what the point of that was, as i was so close to the end. They have to do it to cover their own backs! I measured 35weeks and had a very healthy 8lb baby.
I went through the feeling totally minging, fat and ugly stage. Baths, make-up and a manicure helped for a few hours, then i'd burst into tears again. It's hormones. Not long left now and it'll be all over, but totally worth it.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

i had a spell when OH was scared to talk to me, bedtime was the worst for some reason :think: and i was nasty, then felt sooo bad i cryed for ages, its those horrible hormones.

and as for not being comfy, i can sympathise there too, being pregnant still isnt bothering me but not being able to ever get comfy is :(

and i only bought a limited maternity wardrobe so im paranoid that everyone thinks im a skank too cause i look like im wearing the same clothes everyday. i just hope being pregnants a good excuse for it, lol.

your not alone hun :hug: :hug:
dont get yourself so down about it... your hormones are being nasty to you! i feel the same about the clothes especially now ive packed 1 pair of joggers (only bought 2) & a t-shirt i like in my hospital bag. i darent get them out to wear them "just incase" :D the joggers i have left have somepaint spots on them from doing the nursary over the weekend which wont wash out...
BUT tough poo to what anyone else thinks of what im wearing!!! Bugger anyone that has an opinion thats not nice :D do you have any cheao shops near you i.e. matalan, peacocks etc. maybe you could justify something cheap to get yourself out of the rut you seem to have pushed yourself into (i stay out of mine by carrying on eating... im going to be even bigger than before once im not preggers anymore!!!! :lol: )
If you haven't got all puffy ankles or feet go and get some pretty new shoes :)

I'm the same cant be arsed to spend money on something I will only wear for 2weeks so I look skanky too lol! But think when you have your baba here then you will look amazing because all your clothes will be fitting again and you can appreciate all the things you have missed wearing for the last few months :)
I think towards these last few weeks you do end up feeling totally pap...

I had my photoshoot on friday and had a look at some of the pics, they looked ok but I looked really fat like Daisy the cow, I was up that night crying cause i felt so nasty...

On Saturday We were playing Mario Kart on the wii over the weekend, I wasn't doing well and kept coming last, i burst into tears and told my OH I felt like a failure and was good for nothing...

I deffo think its hormones, when im home I wear stretchy stuff and avoid jeans, I live in leggings and very long tops but i know its bad I don;t go out much...

I think also the crying is very normal at this stage, im extremly snappy, moody and tearful now, I actually feel sorry for OH cause im constantly whinging at him but he is understanding...

We'll get by hon, things will get better, and soon we'll have these little tykes and will be somewhat "Normal" again :) :hug:
Steelgoddess said:
On Saturday We were playing Mario Kart on the wii over the weekend, I wasn't doing well and kept coming last, i burst into tears and told my OH I felt like a failure and was good for nothing..

:rotfl: Hahaaa I always get angry at Mario Kart especially if they are ganging up on I cried when I couldn't beat Bison(Vega it was the jap version) on Streetfighter2 snes once and I wasn't even pregnant haha!
nickilubs said:
Steelgoddess said:
On Saturday We were playing Mario Kart on the wii over the weekend, I wasn't doing well and kept coming last, i burst into tears and told my OH I felt like a failure and was good for nothing..

:rotfl: Hahaaa I always get angry at Mario Kart especially if they are ganging up on I cried when I couldn't beat Bison(Vega it was the jap version) on Streetfighter2 snes once and I wasn't even pregnant haha!

I believe the words fcking pile and shit were used :rotfl:
Heheeee thats really tame for what comes out of my mouth playing MarioKart. oooooo it makes me so angry! They cheat! The only one I can win is DoubleDash on the game cube but even then abuse gets shouted at the stoopid friggin plants that eat you! Haha the *******s.
nickilubs said:
Heheeee thats really tame for what comes out of my mouth playing MarioKart. oooooo it makes me so angry! They cheat! The only one I can win is DoubleDash on the game cube but even then abuse gets shouted at the stoopid friggin plants that eat you! Haha the b******s.

Sometimes the c word gets used too... :rotfl: :oops:
:rotfl: Yeh thats more like it! I get paranoid now thinking Pips listening to all these words and shes gonna come out swearing and cursing everyone!
Awww Sam! :hug: I feel like that too sometimes, you're not alone.

Hormones are horrible things and the last few weeks of pregnancy can be really uncomfortable and make you feel shitty. :( :hug:

Not long now! Thursday will come and pass. I'm sure Sydnee is absolutely fine and you can rest again. I know you must be really worried, but hopefully I'll get my induction Thurs so we can both crap ourselves Wed night together! :lol:

:hug: Don't worry hun, it'll all be over soon and you'll be back to your active self in no time :hug:
You poor thing, I really feel for you :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've been measuring 5 weeks behind too so I know how worrying it is. The measurement really does seem to be so random though - my growth scan said LO is exactly average and now I'm even being told she's probably bigger than average, even though I'm still 4 weeks behind with my fundal height. I'm sure your little one is fine too - I wish they wouldn't worry us in this way when it's all so inexact.

And, yeah, the clothes thing is horrible - I could fit into my normal clothes until quite recently (just tying my jeans up with some ribbon once I couldn't get them closed) but now nothing fits so I don't feel like I can leave the house and I'm not buying anything new when LO could appear at any moment.

Could you maybe get a new dress or something that will fit over your bump now and still work once baby is here?

Hope you're feeling a bit better anyway and good luck for Thursday :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: I feel such a whinge bum :oops:

My Mummy, bless her, must have picked up on how I was feeling, despite me not saying anything, as she popped round last night with a new top for me. It's like a gypsy style, cut under the boobs and flows, she said it'll look nice with my jeans and ballet pumps and also dressy if I go anywhere with my black skirt (think she was hinting to my OH as she was really spelling it out and all but glaring at him :rotfl: )

She did my hair and painted my toenails too :hug:

Dannii that's a good idea lol we can poop together wednesday!

I'm just choosing baby clothes as I have so many babygros and I want some 'pretties' packed for her in my bag. Though I'd best take the plain white ones incase the little boy who turned out to be a little girl at the 31 weeks scan has changed again :rotfl:

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