crunchy nut cornflakes


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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are these ok to eat? OH is doing the shopping after work and i really fancy some but not sure if they have peanuts in? i know he won't think to check! :lol:
They do have peanuts in. My OH banned me and i burst into tears! Lol
Asked my midwife and she told me they were fine.
ta Lisa, might limit myself to a small box and try not to eat them all in one go!
My MW told me to only stear clear of nuts if there is history of allergy in the family. Which there isnt so YAY!! xx
JayK2387 said:
My MW told me to only stear clear of nuts if there is history of allergy in the family. Which there isnt so YAY!! xx

Same here, am v pleased!
i wasn't told no nuts Mummy Rich, just to avoid peanuts as theres a small chance that they can trigger nut allergies and my MW also said if there is excema, hayfever or allergies in the family it was best to avoid peanuts - not sure about normal nuts tho xx
I do have excema and hayfever but have still had the odd nutty item i have an occasional snickers ice cream and have been eating cereal with nuts in too - all in moderation I think because there is research that says eating nuts in pregnancy can reduce the risk of your baby having an allergy. The food Standards Agency are currently reviewing the advice that goes out to pregnant women and doing further research on it.
Well I have eczema so didn't eat peanuts at all during pregnancy and Brody still got eczema :( :wall:
carlyr874 said:
I do have excema and hayfever but have still had the odd nutty item i have an occasional snickers ice cream and have been eating cereal with nuts in too - all in moderation I think because there is research that says eating nuts in pregnancy can reduce the risk of your baby having an allergy. The food Standards Agency are currently reviewing the advice that goes out to pregnant women and doing further research on it.

They are indeed reviewing their advice. And yes, the other side of the coin thinking is that exposing your baby to peanuts in the womb can prevent them becoming allergic once born.

We are, IIRC the only country in the EU to advise pregnant women to not eat peanuts when PG. And since this became standard advice, peanut allergy rates in children have soared. We have the highest in Europe more or less :roll:

Other countries like Spain, Netherlands and so on don't advise to avoid peanuts. If I was PG and living there I'd be tucking in to them without worry. Living here makes it totally different. I ignored the medical advice and ate them in moderation when PG.

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