Craving driving me crazy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I cant drink enough milk and milky drinks to stop me wanting more!! Its driving me nuts, and my poor bladder isn't coping! :wall2:

I haven't had any food type cravings with this pregancy but one craving I have had is for juice, lots of it and milky drinks too. I get soooo dehydrated. I had a milkshake from mcdonalds today and had to bin it 1/2 way through when I realised I wasn't supposed to be drinking milkshakes from there.

Your not the only one hunny, i cant get enough milk. My OH keeps saying that little missy is going to come out with long nails the amount of calcium she is getting! He also keeps saying we need a cow in the garden because as soon as we buy some its gone! x x

im the same with milk, i just cant get enough of it lol

in the beginning all i could drink was juice, now all i ever want is milk, i think we are buying 12 pints every few days lol
OMG I'm the same too!! I'm drinking pints of the stuff lol x
Not had any cravings this time but was milk for me with me son was getting up through nite for some but had be very cold a now don't drink milk lol x
I'm not saying what my craving has been for, it's too rude!! Hubby is hoping I don't go off it after tho lol!
i haven't had any cravings of any kind :( though i know someone that was craving milk and it was causing loads of problems with her digestion system so be careful not to have too much! x

I haven't had any food type cravings with this pregancy but one craving I have had is for juice, lots of it and milky drinks too. I get soooo dehydrated. I had a milkshake from mcdonalds today and had to bin it 1/2 way through when I realised I wasn't supposed to be drinking milkshakes from there.


OMG, are we not allowed milkshakes from Maccy D's!? Why not?? I've been having them without realising! :shock:
me too.... why not allowed milkshake from McD?? Is it the ice cream in it??
I was told to stay away from milkshakes and any icecream that come out of the metal machines as they arent always cleaned out properly x x

Yeah i'm not 100% on the whole milkshake thing, I know we defo cant have the ice creams from mc'ds coz its not pasturised or something - something to do with the mr whippy style ice creams, and my milkshake was looking rather ice cream like yesterday - we can still have ice cream from tubs as its pasturised, just not the very soft stuff.

Oh and I've heard about the pipes not being cleaned too but thats a different issue.


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