Cranial Osteopath


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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I have been recommended by a friend to try a cranial osteopath to help with Elena's colic. I would just go to the one she used except she lives over 60miles away. Also I am a little nervous about if any problems could be caused by going to see one.

Has anybody used one?
Did they help?
How do you go about finding one and what qualifications do I need to look for?
Any horror stories?

Many thanks
Hi Nicky

I used the website Urchin posted to find a local CO for us. I took Olivia when she was about 10 days old but the CO said there weren't any "adustments" to make at that time.

I was a little worried about taking her, I couldn't imagine what they would do to examine her and she was just so tiny. I had a forceps delivery and was worried that the trauma of it was causing Olivia feeding and sleeping problems so when I was told there wasn't anything to work on it made me feel a bit better. The CO said to come back in a few months if I felt things had worsened or something else had cropped up. I am going to book another appointment as 7 months on we still have the sleep problems! My local one is £25 first appointment and £15 for each session thereafter so I feel its money well spent. Olivia also will pretty much only sleep on her left side so I would like to get that checked out on this visit.

I'd say give it a go, my friend who recommended I go to a CO swears it solved her first baby's distress (she doesn't use the work colic).

Let us know what you decide

I spoke to my health visitor and she gave me the name and number of a local one which a lot of Mum's have used. I left a message on her answer machine yesterday but I am still waiting for a call back. I would like to give it a go but my OH is reluctant. Esay for him to be, he isn't the one who has to try and calm her all day and during the night!!!
Had amy first session this morning. She said there was a lot of compression at the base of the skull which normally is caused when they are posterior, however given my labour time there was no way she was apperently so she wonders if she was but corrected herself. She also manipulated the diaphragm as well. She says that you normally see some improvement in about 2 days - typically 20% improvement and then after the second session you should see a lot of improvement. One of the side effects is that it can leave them very sleepy. She has just fallen asleep while feeding (very unusual at this time) - given that she had a bad night last night and didn't sleep much after her morning feed (10mins at most) I have left her to sleep. Will post an update for anybody who is interested as time progresses.
Well it could just be coincidence but ... tonight is the first night since the colic started at around 2 weeks that I have been able to cook and evening meal AND eat it without Ellie screaming the place down. Normally we either end up eating in shifts, one handed or I just give up and eat after I put her to bed. We then had a bath, got dressed and fed her without her screaming either, and that was the longest bath I have given her as normally she starts getting distressed part way through. I hope this is a sign that the treatment is working and that she will start to improve.
Hi Nicky

Good to read about your trip to the CO, glad it went well.

I hope tonight's improvements in wee Ellie are as a result of the C.O and I really hope things start to get better.

please do keep posting updates, I'm really interested to see how it helps you.

I asked my HV today about taking Olivia back to the C.O but she didn't think there was a need (she is quite an old fashioned woman and I don't think she's really into C.O etc). However I've decided to make an appointment anyway so will let you know how we get on.

Good luck. My husband asked an orthopedic consultant I was seeing about something completely different their opinion and he said they were basically quacks and should save our money. The opinions seem to be very mixed - the health visitor I spoke to said that is won't do any harm and she has Mums who have claimed it has really helped. She said officially no studies have been done to prove or disprove whether it makes any difference or is purely coincidence and the child would have started to improve around then anyway.

I'm glad it seems to have made a difference, I hope she keeps it up! Let us know how it goes.
We've got an appointment to see one next week for an entirely different reason though - flat head syndrome. She sounded very knowledgeable on the phone.

My HV and docs have been useless with helping us with the problem of flat head syndrome so we're following our own instincts and doing what we think is right.

There are so many mixed views on these things, sometimes your best of following a Mums instincts.
Well yesterday she was her normal screaming self, but last night we had our best night yet. She had her last feed of the "day" at 19:30, I woke her at 23:30 to feed her and then she woke me at 4:35 (she had only just started making "noises" but I like to feed her before she gets agitated so that I have the best chance of her going back down again). That is the latest she has been for this feed. She also went back down nicely after each feed which normally we have problems after at least 1 of these feeds. The osteopath said it normally takes 2 days for us to see the effect. We will see how things progress.
Well it looks like the other night was just a fluke, as last night we had a really bad night. She settled OK at 7:30 and I woke her for her 11:30 feed as normal she then started making hungry noises at 2:30 - this is quite normal and normally if I wait she will just go back to sleep for another hour at last. Not last night by 2:45 she was crying out reguarly. I fed her, she didn't take quite as much as normal but no matter what I tried she wouldn't take any more so I put her down. Within 5 mins she was crying out again, so I went back in tried to wind her some more, did get another burp, tried to feed her some more but still not interested and put her back down. Within 5 mins she started crying out again this time I left her a bit longer but that just meant she was very distressed by the time I did go back in there. Nothing would calm her, even hubby which is normally and instant calming mechanism. Eventualy about 4:30 I bought her to bed with us - by this time she would take some more feed and I just let her fall asleep on the breast. Around 5am I put her back in her bed. 30mins later she was crying out again, so I bought her back in and she fell asleep but was quite restless. When the alarm went off at 6:30, I got hubby to put her back in her cot. 20mins later she is awake and crying and nothing would get her to sleep she was desperate for food. I managed to get her to wait until 7:15 before I started the morning ritual 15mins early. So, so far, it doesn't look like it has helped any. Hubby will only let me try one more session if we don't see any improvement he won't let us try a third. I do worry that I am going to make things harder for us in the long run by bringing her in with us, but I also need SOME sleep. She is asleep now and aside from crying out a few times (one of those times she didn't actually wake) she has now been asleep in her chair for 1hr 40mins. Is this too long to let her sleep in one go during the day? Though it seems to be a choice of sleep or screaming.
Well the rest of the week we have seen a definite improvement. Yesterday she was barely colicy at all (though we have had good days before), but today is also reasonably good. Last night she slept through from 11:30 to 7am. Wayhay! Whether this improvement is due to her being a bit older (8 weeks tomorrow) or is the treatment has helped, who knows. Either way I am feeling a lot happier.
Great news Nicky

Hope it continues!!


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