Could I be pregnant?


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
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Sorry if this in the wrong category but 5 days ago I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, My period had stopped about 2 days before we had sex but i started bleeding again about 2 to 3 days after ( we had sex while i was bleeding a bit but am pretty sure it was old blood from my last period and not my actual period as it had stopped about 3 days before) is there a chance i could be pregnant even tho i was still bleeding but it wasnt actually my period? i just know there is less chance to get pregnant near about the time your on your period or not long after?
Welcome hun :wave:

Sounds like it may be left over from your period but truth is theres always a possibility you can get pregnant.
Im sure the girls on here be give you lots of advice.
:hug: :hug:
i dont know for sure sweetie but there is always a chance u can get pregnant, altho i believe if its around your period time it is less likely. only way to find out is to take a test, good luck i hope you get the result you want :hug:
if you have a textbook 28 day cycle you would be due to ovulate about cycle day 14. day one is the first day of your period. if you have a 5 day period then had sex 5 days after the end id say it was about CD 10 that you had unprotected sex.

In theory, your most fertile days are 5 days before you are due to ovulate (CD9) and up to 2 days after you ovulate (CD16). Sperm lasts up to 5 days.

So in theory, if them dates are right there is a chance you could be.

Obviously if you have longer or shorter cycles then when you ovulate would be later or shorter depending on that.

Best way is to have protected sex from now on and just wait and see when your period turns up.

if your cycles are irregular, wait 2 weeks plus from when you had unprotected sex and take a test, in the mean time use protection.

Hope that helps and you get the result you want :hug:

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