Could I be ovulating...? Possibly TMI in this post!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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I thought I was due on on Wednesday, but nothing arrived. I'm not pregnant but I'm waiting for my cycle to get back to normal since coming off the pill.
Anyway...for the last 2 days I have had lots of creamy white discharge. Today I woke up really bloated and with lots of trapped wind (sorry!). Anyway, I have had some pains but I think it was trapped wind, but this afternoon I had a funny, different kind of pain in my right hand side. It only lasted a few minutes but it was definitely a different kind of pain.

Also, this afternoon I had some egg-whitey, yellowy (tmi!!) cm. It was a bit clumpy so I wondered if it was possibly from OH (sorry, disgusting I know!). I did an ov test at half 7 tonight and although I'd had some drink and so it may have been diluted, there was a very faint line.

What do you guys think? Could I be ovulating/due to ovulate? I just don't know what's going on or when I should expect a positive test.

I'd welcome any advice/opinions.

Kelly x
I think it needs to be very clear and stretchy. Are you charting temp?
Is it poss that you have already Ov'd and that maybe it's implantation cramps?
I didn't think so, but I guess maybe I could have ovulated without realising. I doubt it's implantation cramps, but hey, who knows? It's all a mystery to me - I think I am going to go crazy trying to work out what's going on with my body!!! Nobody warns you it could be so difficult to get pregnant do they?!!
Kelly x
Hi Kele

I think it's OV pain, you have CM which is a really good sign, I have had long cycles since coming off the pill so I wouldn't be surprised if you're just having a long cycle

Good luck and get BDing xx
Thanks Ellie

I think maybe I am too!! So I pounced on OH last night!! :lol: I felt a bit bad about it because he had been saying how tired he was and he had to be up at 5am this morning so he had gone to bed early for that reason but, he didn't take much persuading!! :oops: :rotfl:

If I am ovulating then I'm going to put it down to drinking green tea because I have been having it at work everyday - it's pretty foul but hey, if it gets me ovulating again it will be worth it!

Good luck yourself - we sound very similar don't we in the way our bodies have been screwed up by the pill?!! Hopefully September will be our month. :hug:

Kelly xx
good luck hope you got the eggy xx
You say you had a faint line on the OV says you should have a strong a line as the test line or a darker line than the test line? How dark was the line?

You should ovulate between 12-36 hours after your positive OPK so could be happening anytime soon if it was positive, get BD and go catch the eggy girl! :D

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