could i be in slow labour - 32 weeks?


New Member
May 23, 2011
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Hey everyone!

Well since around 8.30ish last night I have been having bad back pain, it was mostly lower at first but today it's gone mostly to upper. It feels like someone is stabbing me and it's here for hours and then goes to a dull lower back pain. Along with this though I have started to get headaches and I feel neauseous from time to time and I have my braxton hicks which are pretty painful.

I have been told by a few it could be premature slow labour and to contact my midwife, but I don't want to call her over nothing and waste her time. But another thing is the baby's dad has another child to another girl and she went into slow labour for a few days but I think she was overdue.

I'm just unsure on what to do as this is my first baby, please help!! x
You defo won't be wasting the midwifes time hun, give her a call, or even better call your local delivery suite, they'll probably be happy for you to go in and have a ctg done. Mine were fab when I was ill during pregnancy and they never make you feel like you're wasting their time at all.

Better to get it checked out xxxxxxx
can't really help but can say i have had back ache(lower), period pains and the most amount of pressure ever down below and bottom of bump for over a week. plus feeling sicky etc aswell.

might just be one of those things hun. just try to rest up abit. xxx
well I just realised the time and my midwife is off shift now. she only does 9-5 :/ i'm unsure as to whether I should bother the maternity department of my hospital or not, I would like to put my mind at rest and know whether both me and baby are ok but it's just the fact i'm scared cos a few have said for me to go and i'll probably be monitored.

I've tried to rest but the pain gets unbearable and no matter how I sit or lie the pain just doesn't go.
I guess i'll give my aunty a ring and see what she thinks is best. I'm completely clueless on all this pregnancy stuff haha!

Thanks for the advice, I probably will end up going the hospital just to be on the safe side!xxxx
No harm in giving them a call, they can always say that it's normal etc etc and to just speak to midwife tomorrow, but they are good at what they do and will know whether you should be seen by what you describe xxx

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