Could do with some advice!!


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Aug 21, 2014
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My daughter is 9 weeks old and is bottle fed, she was a big baby at 9lb 7oz and weighs 12lb 15oz now.

She sometimes has a poo every day but often she will go a 3 or 4 days without going.
When that happens you can tell she's in pain and really straining even when just passing wind. S Every time she does poo it's like there's been an explosion and it requires an outfit change!

She normally takes 3-5oz every 2-3 hours and feeds every 4 hours overnight but the last couple of days she's started sleeping for 5-6 hours at night ( which i know is a good thing) and then only taking 2oz when she wakes up. She'll then cry until I take the bottle out of her mouth, she gets her wind up no problem but still won't take anymore. And then later on in the day she'll take 4oz no problem. I have made an appointment with the GP but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their little ones?

I'm just concerned why she doesn't go often and why she seems in pain as her poo (TMI) is never hard and always on the soft side so she isn't constipated?
And also why she isn't drinking much, comparing her to other babies i know she doesnt drink half as much as they do even though she's a bigger baby.
Im a first time Mum so so everything seems to be worrying me at the moment!
I didn't experience this with my little boy but I did read that babies can seem upset when passing wind and pooping because they don't like the sensation. Not sure if it's that for your little one but your doing the right think to seek medical advice anyway. Try not to worry as your both doing great. Xx
hi kav, i cud have written this myself last wk (in fact i think i did...), our lil miss was also big baby similar birth weight n weight gain, similar feeding pattern last wk then all of a sudden when stopped feeding her at her first grunt/grizzle n waited for the hunger cry she started going 6, 7, 8 n now 9hrs thru the night...she does take a big bottle before bed n first thing tho probably 4-5oz, normal feeds 3-4oz either hourly or every 2hrs during day...she also had exact problem u describe with passing poo but not constipated either...think they hit major growth spurt 8wks n they have to actively participate in bm's as stomach storing more now, we tried everything bicycle moves, clockwise circles stomach, lifting legs like u do for gas, cooled boiled ater etc etc n she was at one point backed up 2 days, then we also had THE explosion, 3 nappy qty worth at least in one go then since then she's back to dailyt, still large qty but no longer as painful as if she's no longer scared n can manae it, hardest part is keeping smiling n offering words of encouragement whilst theyre in pain but it helps them not pick up on your concern n makes the whole experience less scary, especially if you laugh n smile loads when they do eventually go...also think its an awareness thing cos now mins ater the red pushing face we get a wriggly upset face as if to say dont like all this poo, pls change me lol...

long story short it will get better n so long as ur LO gaining weight, weeing regular everything else is unique o your LO, i find that so long as she cluster feeds 6pm-9pm n passes her poo, she sleeps soundly...btw 9hrs doesnt mean solid 9hrs, she's still stirring every hr to hr n half but if no cries with open eyes leave her to self settle n so far that means she goes 8-9hrs...starting to also set bedtime routine with singsongs so she knows when its time for bed, we still only do bath 1-2 x per wk so eventually that will b in the routine too...
If she's struggling to pass, could you try some cooled boiled water? Doesn't have to be loads but just a few oz will help the poo work its way through. Also, look up tummy massages on Google/YouTube, I've heard they're really effective for helping move things through.

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