Coughing problem


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I've had a cough for about a month now and it's really getting me down, It wakes me up at night and effects almost everything I do. I think it feels bad because I have asthma so I cough anway.
I didn't know if it was normal, my asthma, change of weather or some kind of allergy so I googled it and found other pregnant women saying the same thing about a bad cough, by the looks of it it could just be one of the downsides to pregnancy. Have any of you suffered with a bad cough or know the reason why we cough so much?
I've found my Asthma is much worse since being pregs, not sure if its the uterus moving up and squashing my lungs or what, the sonographer did say it was very high during my 20 week scan :think:

I guess the hormones might be affecting it too as i seem to cough and sneeze hell of alot more and it doesnt half hurt when you got a baby bashing your hernia :rotfl:
i get a cought when i got a cold or when i got hayfever, can u do inhaler when pregnant and when u got a cough? may ease it if u havnt already tried it :D
Vickyleigh said:
I've had a cough for about a month now and it's really getting me down, It wakes me up at night and effects almost everything I do. I think it feels bad because I have asthma so I cough anway.
I didn't know if it was normal, my asthma, change of weather or some kind of allergy so I googled it and found other pregnant women saying the same thing about a bad cough, by the looks of it it could just be one of the downsides to pregnancy. Have any of you suffered with a bad cough or know the reason why we cough so much?

I had a cough 3 weeks ago, but it was due to a viral infection. I used Simple Linctus to soothe the coughing.
Are you getting a chesty or dry cough? If you're coughing up phlegm that is coloured then that may indicate a bacterial infection on the chest.
It's a nasty chesty cough do you think I need to get it checked out?
hi hun if its chesty go to your docs and get checked out cus if u aint allergic they can prescribe you peniciliin ani biotics and its better than suffering you need all the sleep you can get lol xxxx
kimheath said:
hi hun if its chesty go to your docs and get checked out cus if u aint allergic they can prescribe you peniciliin ani biotics and its better than suffering you need all the sleep you can get lol xxxx

Yeah, I agree, think you should get it checked out with the GP, you may need antibiotics for it to clear up.

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