cough, restless


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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hi my baby is 4 week old today he has been quite restless and just not really settling hes wanted to be held all time, he also has a cough that sounds like he has phlem at back of his throat... he keeps gipping now and again...should i take him to docs
as there isnt much they an give newborns is there?
should i be worried can he choke on his phlem?
Hmmm could well be a growth spurt making him restless and wanting cuddles.

Does he only have the cough? Any blocked or runny nose or other cold signs? Any temp? The cough may be just him clearing out all the new baby stuff (my LO would sneeze a lot and cough sometimes in the early weeks).

If you are concerned then of course call your GP and go see them.
he has 7 feeds in 24hours and has between 4 -5 onz every 4 hours..
he had a good routine of having last feed at 12am then sleeping till 5 then have feed then sleep till 7:30 but today hes been that restless i morning that he is sleeping more now so im worried as to wat night ill have..

when he was born he was 1 week late and weighed 8lb 14onz, since he was bor hes been sneezing but not coughing thats just come today.
the health visitor comes friday but shes abit dippy lol
i think i will its definatly a cold as when he cries he just squeeks and through night he only had 2 onz of milk which is nothing to him..and he just slept all night really.
ill use ma mummy instinct lol. thanx for ur replies :hug:

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