cough in 6 month old


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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I've caught Logan's germs thanks to his very cute habit of blowing Raspberrys on people.

Anyway my symtoms are, mucas filled cough (the kind where your chest is tight but don't cough often), slight runny nose (still abe to breath through nose though) and this morning a sore throat like tonsilitus (but don't have tonsils).

his cough is about the same from the sounds of it, very little runny nose and i would assume a sore throat too.

Any thing i can do to relieve symptoms in him? Most of the time he is his normal sunny self but he has had coughing fits. I'm more worried about the potential sore thraot as i am finding it painful. I'm trying to keep his fluids up but he considers a bottle more as something to play with rahter than drink and after a while if full on the breast.

Aww poor thing. Just keep him topped up on fluids, you can buy cough medicines but to be honest they're pretty useless. I give Tom medised which used to be from 3 months onwards but they'll only sell it for a child over 2 years now due to some irresponsible parents (in America)..

Calpol and nurofen are good too x
If its a very sore sounding cough then I would take him to get checked out just in case its broncialitis. Also check his breaths per minute if they are over sixty then def get him checked.

I'm just wary because my wee boys been in hospital with broncilatitis and RSV which is very common during this time of the year but may need checked over just to make sure his stats are ok. I felt awful because I passed my own bad cold onto him.

Just as an aside I found nasal drops really good for clearing his nose...and try slightly elevating is cot matress.

Hope he feels better soon. x

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