Cotton nappies?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Does anyone use cotton nappies? reusable and non-reusable? I know next to nothing about them so would appreciate some advice on where to buy them from in the UK? Best shops or online? It's getting hotter so Im thinking of switching to cotton ones :hug:
I bought a selection from and also from who if you fill out a questionnaire saying what you like, dont like, what you need and don't need in relation to a nappy, i.e. is leaking a priority or would you rather change baby faster type thing, they will get back to you with a completely (free) personalised recommendation.

I've obviously no experience in using them yet but I've bought a couple of each from different brands as what I end up loving you might hate, what you love on your baby might just leak on mine type thing so I have a few of each, will road test, persevere and once we have found what works for both mummy and baby I'll get a bigger selection of those ones. I do have a few disposables for the first week or so (bought before I realised I'd use cotton).

I've pre-washed them as instructed (to increase absorbancy) and line dried them ready for use. You'll have great fun choosing the colours, the pretty patterned wraps and things, honestly cotton nappy buying can become addictive.

There will be a Cloth Nappy chat in the chatroom on Sunday night at 8pm so you can get all your questions answered there :)

You get in the chatroom by clicking the button at the top of every page.
Reena said:
Does anyone use cotton nappies? reusable and non-reusable? I know next to nothing about them so would appreciate some advice on where to buy them from in the UK? Best shops or online? It's getting hotter so Im thinking of switching to cotton ones :hug:

come to the cloth nappy talk in the chat room on sunday!!! theres a lnk at the top of the forum in red for more information"!!!!! :wave: see you there!
budge said:
Reena said:
Does anyone use cotton nappies? reusable and non-reusable? I know next to nothing about them so would appreciate some advice on where to buy them from in the UK? Best shops or online? It's getting hotter so Im thinking of switching to cotton ones :hug:

come to the cloth nappy talk in the chat room on sunday!!! theres a lnk at the top of the forum in red for more information"!!!!! :wave: see you there!

Isn't that what I said? Budge are you my new stalker? :moon:
oh sorry urch - i sometimes only read the first post then reply :oops:

please forgive me :pray:

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