cot to bed


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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marks bed gaurd is being delivered on monday and then we will take the bars off his cot bed. i have visions of him being out of his bed all night. did your LO's move over to a bed ok. or is there anything i should be prepared for?
relentless jumping on the bed :roll: then the infamous sound of fulump-bump... followed by crying :roll:
Arianna was fine, never got out at all and she doesnt have a side guard, but the bed it quite low anyway.

Good luck!!
Lydia went into a toddler bed at 22 months. She has a side guard but she can climb out anyway at the end of the bed.

Usually she's fine and goes straight to sleep. Other times she prats around in her room for an hour before going to sleep - I tell her off when she does that.

Either way it's nothing major - she's fine with th toddler bed. When we changed her from the cot to the bed she didn't put up a fuss or anything, she loved going into her 'big girl bed' :)
Aimee was fine too. She started going into her bed for her naps for a couple of weeks before we tried her at night just so she could get used to it. We managed to get rid of her cot when she was about 25-26 months I think.
Gabs has been in hers for about 6 weeks and she is doing brilliantly! She has a side guard but she has bruised her cheek on it twice so I have wrapped a soft blanket around it. Poor thing.

She doesn't climb out of bed in the morning; just plays with her teddies on her bed.

She had one night where she fell out (Yep even with the guard) it was a hot night and I think she was just wriggling around a lot.

She goes down just the same at night, I am very proud of her.

Good luck with the transition :D :hug:
Lucy went to a bed relatively easily. She fell out a couple of times at first but soon learnt the boundary and hasn't fallen out since. We wondered if she would get out and walk round at night but she didn't for a long time. Even now she doesn't wander much - she goes to the potty and back to bed and that's it.
the gaurd arrived today so tonights the big night. i'll let you know how it goes
so far our transition from cot to bed seems to be going ok. his first night mark cried and his daddy had to go in and reassure him but he son nodded off and slept for 12 hours. since then he has been ok. he has been out of bed once when we have gone in his room in the morning. today mark asked to go to bed for a nap but i can hear him talking away so im praying he doesnt just get out of bed and that he does settle down for a sleep. at least when he was awake in his cot i knew he would play for a bit then go to sleep without the worry of him getting fingers crossed.

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