I decided early on I'd like to try for a homebirth. TBH, once I did my research and had facts to back up what I was saying, I felt confident that it was as safe as being in hospital. If not safer in some ways. It depends on what you would like from your birth I guess.
I think do your homework, have a supportive MW who your OH can meet later on to discuss any concerns he has and provided your pregnancy is normal and you have no serious problems, it shouldn't be a problem.
My OH's main concern was the possible transfer time should something go wrong. Once he had talked to my MW and read the info on transfers etc he was more than happy about how it works.
Below is a link to a great site
Read up there and then see what you think.
Also worth when making a list for your OH as to why a homebirth would be good
*He gets to be more involved and can stay the whole time. No visiting hours etc.
*You will feel happier and more relaxed in your own environment and this should help make for a better labour for you
*Far less medical and much more natural. Certain pain relief is not available at home but many women who have had home births found this not to be an issue.
*If you have had a straightforward pregnancy etc and your MW is happy for a homebirth for you etc, there is no reason to think the worst will happen. This is where many people seem to fall down and feel hospital is then better. You can give birth in your own time, in your own way and with 2 trained MW's attending you for the actual delivery. Chances are in hospital you will have one MW between a number of women sometimes and may not get such individual care as you will at home.
*If there is an emergency, MW's are well trained to deal with things. My MW assures me, especially in first time labours that things are slower happening and they can spot well in advance if things are not progressing and would always decide to transfer you if they feel there are possible problems presenting etc. They will not risk you or your baby by delaying or ignoring things. They will also listen to you and if you wish to go to hospital they will respect that.
*The time it takes to transfer from home to hospital will be used well by the hospital. They will be informed you are coming in and prepare accodingly as per the MW's information on your labour problem. So once there, they will be ready for you.
I hope for as natural as possible, with as little medical intervention as possible. Hence me opting for a homebirth. I know in hospital that even if things are going well, it still is taken out of your hands to a degree and can become a medical procedure and against the clock etc. My opting for a homebirth was not to win an award or anything, but simply as I don't believe that a hospital is the best place for me to give birth. I feel happier and more content with being at home. Mentally I am prepared, my partner is supportive and we are both looking forward to the experience. I believe that if I am relaxed about where i am etc, that labour will be a better experience.
Anyways, I need to stop waffling. I've made a number of posts on homebirth etc and quite a few ladies on the forum have had homebirths and have only great things to say about them. If you do a search for 'homebirth' in the New Arrivals section or the whole site you should find lots of useful info
Feel free to drop me a PM if you want to know anything else or just want to chat