Consultant appointment - UPDATED


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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in two hours time. I so hope he decides something needs to be done.
Going to tell him that Ive been in agony all weekend (was most of it) and I can hardly walk atm. Im not getting sleep as my hips seize up and I wake up unable to move etc.
Only thing that bothers me is I was booked to see him today after complaining about my appointment 2 weeks ago with a registrar and was told on the phone that I could see him today as they wouldnt do anything before 37 weeks as Im not classed as full term until then. When I went to the hospital that I will be delivering in on Saturday I was told that term is 38 weeks, not 37 so they wouldnt do anything.
Will update when I get back, I hope and pray he does something though as I cant cope anymore (yes I know Ive still got up to another 5 weeks left) but I was told the pain is because the baby is big and Im only little.

I managed to see the actual consultant who told me theres too much risk to induce/elective section at 37 weeks unless theres good reason for it. Hes booked me in for a scan next week and I'll be seeing him two weeks today to discuss an elective c section.
He said if baby is over 4.5kg it WILL be a c section, and 4-4.5kg means its debatable but will probably be a section for me. He gave me a scan while I was there and the baby was measuring large again, when he froze the screen to take the abdominal measurement both him and his colleague muttered 'thats a big baby' when the measurement was taken it was 363mm - 41weeks 5days!!! and femur length was 77.2mm. When he used the measurement on his chart to find the weight it was 3.9-4kg which is 8lb 10oz. My guess is that the baby will definately be over 4kg by two weeks time so Ive got to get my head around not having a natural labour and having to have a section for mine and the babys health.

I feel better for being able to see him and discuss everything with him, but Im gutted that its highly likely to be a section.
Good luck! I hope your consultant can do something for you! :hug:
hope everything goes ok hun and they do somehing to help ya :hug: :hug:

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