connection between parents who smoke and smoking when older?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Just out of interest, a question for smokers....did your parents smoke when you were younger?

I have a theory that even if a parent doesnt smoke around their children, they still smell of smoke...and those kids may grow up associating the smell of smoke with their parents, hence comfort etc.

Its the only addiction i've ever had, and I know my dad smoked.

I wonder if there is a psychological effect aswell as physical?
I was a social smoker, never ever bought a pack myself just had a couple when out clubbing - both parents smoked and i wanted to see what the big deal was

never got addicted tho, liked buyin shoes too much lol

never touched one since i got pg either

my grandad used to smoke a pipe so tobacco in pouches reminds me off him so Id say thats a comfortin thing :think:
Its a good poll and will be interesting to see what the results are when a few more people have seen this.

I obviously voted first one.
Having parents that smoked TOTALLY put me off, they stank!

They both still smoke now, it drives me mad, I hate it.

:puke: :puke: :puke:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
yes my mam smoked and I started at 12 :oops:

Thats when I started too...been 20 years on and off now :oops: :oops: :oops:

crazy isn't it.. I hate to think what damage I have already caused to myself.. yet i continue smoking :roll: :wall: :wall:
both my mumand dad smoked, she even smoked while pg with me and my 3 siblings and around us when we were born, which i thinks appauling, i smoke myself, outside i may add!!! I dont know if its connected as they dont smoke now, im blaming them for my shortness though :roll:
I'm not sure what to put for this. I know my Dad smoked until I was probably 4 or 5 but I don't actually remember seeing him smoking or smelling it on him.

I have smoked since I was 14 (13 years) apart from when I've been pregnant. I've given up everytime I've been pregnant and really I don't want to start again after this baby but I enjoy it and I miss it :oops: . Even now, when I haven't smoked for months I easily could. My DH has quit aswell for our baby so that will really help us both not to start again, plus we're saving £200 a month between us :shock: (We have never smoked around the children either but obviously they would have been able to smell it on us like you say ggg)

I know that my Nan and Grandad both smoked around their children (all 12 of them) half of them smoke and half don't, don't know if that helps you at all
My Mum smoked and she did a good job of making me hate it so much that I have never and never will touch a cigarette.
One or both of my parents smoked, and I do/have

I did smoke, but gave up when pregnant.
Both parents smoke although my mum gave up a few years ago. Throughout my childhood she would stop, start and stop again. Shes with someone who doesn't smoke now so I don't think she will ever smoke again. My dad though smokes alot :(
Growing up me and my brotehrs lived in a house/pubs filled with smoke. It makes me really angry now that my mum let us grow up in that. She and my stepdad would fill the room with filthy cigarette smoke while her 3 children would play beneath the fumes :twisted:

If you smoke your children are more likely to smoke.................I do have the odd one when I've had drink, but I will stop that :D Dan will never see me smoke, I hope that will be enough to keep him from taking up the habit. Although smoking is becoming more and more antisocial. Hopefully by the time he is old enough he won't do it! :D
my dads a chain smoker, has been since his teens...

my bro doesnt smoke, sister did for a while when she was a teenager (whole rebalious thing and all! lol), and ive never smoked cigarettes... lol

my neice is good at puttin people off too, if you light up infront of her she jus stares at your saying "you're going to die yknow..." :lol: usually jumps on peoples packets too lol
my mum has always smoked - and 4 out of us 5 girls have smoked at some point.
I voted, but I don't think i'm quite a normal case. My dad was a smoker....but he didn't live with us since I was 6 years old.

so maybe my vote doesn't count exactly.

My mother, who raised me, never smoked.
my dad and older brother smoked and i started smoking when i was 12 (6 years ago) and i still smoke 15-20 a day. i dont think i started smoking because my dad did because when i was younger about 5 or 6 i used to go up to him and wave my finger about and say " what did i tell you about smokin!!??" lol i used to hate them and i would say im never gunna smoke coz i will get cancer! i think it was more my friends at school smoking that made me want to start. i think that lots of smokers start at school but maybe having a smoking parent makes it seem more acceptable. (and something to help you win the argument once your parents find out)
Urchin said:
Having parents that smoked TOTALLY put me off, they stank!

They both still smoke now, it drives me mad, I hate it.

:puke: :puke: :puke:

Same here.. but i am watching them slowly killing them selves! my mum has emphysema and now possibly osteoperosis.
My had has a blocked vein in his leg and his breathing so wheezy. They have both been told to give up but they dont listen. They smoke around Ewan and don't seem to care, they smoked around me all the time when i was at home and mum smoked all the way through pregnancy. They are just 60. and comparing them to my hubbys parents who are a similar age they are both soooo unhealthy.
My parents never smoked but i did.
My mam started smoking when she was divorcing my dad but i was 21 then.
both my parents smoked my whole life up until 4 months ago my mum was even advised to smoke whilst pregnant with me but i have never even touched one
My mum smoked throught her pregnancy with me and all the time I was growing up. She smoked indoors too. I started at about 15 but stopped a few years later. I'll never let anyone smoke near Jake, I even hate us walking past someone smoking outside.

I wish she would give up, i worry about her health so much :(

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