

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Just been to docs and finally got confirmation of my BFP :cheer:

But I dont understand how they work out how many weeks I am. The doc just said I am between 4 and 8 weeks because of my long cycles, which seems a bit vague.
My last period was 21st May which was 8 weeks ago but I've been charting so I'm pretty sure I Ov around 22nd June so does that make me only 4 weeks?

What do you think? I feel pretty stupid not knowing how many weeks!

Thanks x
hi Clary and congrats on your pregnancy! Between 4 and 8 weeks is an unusally wide estimation? They usually calculate it from first day of last period.. however some of us get our dates put forward or back when we have our 12 week scans. I'm 12 weeks and my scan is next week, I could be put back to 10 or 11 who knows! ..
I think I OV on 1st July or around that time and my ticker puts me at 4 weeks 3 days. ( It has to be then cause we only bd once around ov time)
How long is your cycle usually? I was convinced I was 6+6 but have just been put back to 6+2, but that was me basing it on a 28 day cycle and mine are around 30-31 days sometimes.
My cycles have been all over the place which is the problem....
I want to follow what is happening in books etc, but I dont know if when they say eg. at 8 weeks they mean 8 weeks from date of last af or 8 weeks from ov?

Does that make sense? Since I know when I ov should I just add a couple of weeks to that as if I were having 30 day ish cycles? Which would make me about 6 weeks along?

Why is this so confusing? :wall:
well i think i ocvulated on 19th and im 6+1 , so if u think u ovulated on 22nd i would guess u are 5+5 ?

only a guess tho , but least if u under estimate , at your scan it will be nice if u put forward !
Thanks G3M, that makes a bit more sense!! I dont think my doc understood why I was so bothered, I suppose to him its only a couple of weeks but I want to know whats happening to my little bean!!

Thanks! :hug:
Hmm, that's a bit of a difficult one to work out since your LMP was 23rd May but you think you OV in late June... :wall:

Why do you think you OV in June? Were you charting?
yes I was temping and got ewcm on 22/23 and shift in temps then too...
well i thought i o'd may 3rd.. and we had sex may 5th.. so i guessed i would have caught the 6th.. but it turns out i probably o'd on the 1st may as the baby was concieved on day 12 of my 28 day cycle which was may 1st.. according to the sonographer..i used opk,s may 2nd and said neg.. so god knows i dont think they are that reliable.
clarey said:
My cycles have been all over the place which is the problem....
I want to follow what is happening in books etc, but I dont know if when they say eg. at 8 weeks they mean 8 weeks from date of last af or 8 weeks from ov?

They mean from the date of your last period. All pregnancy dating includes these two weeks. This is because not every woman ovulates on the same day (even from cycle to cycle) and because the fertilised egg also takes varying amounts of time to implant (and pregnancy doesn't technically start until this point). It is therefore easier to calculate from the date of your last period. This will be the case even with the dating from your scan.
Just saw your name on the newsletter BFPs :cheer: Congratulations hun :cheer: I'm so pleased for you :)

Looks like you won our little bet ;)
I would say go by the date you think you ovulated, go back 2 weeks and that would be day 1 of pregnancy (just my opinion though - probably rubbish :rotfl: )
monster_munch said:
I would say go by the date you think you ovulated, go back 2 weeks and that would be day 1 of pregnancy (just my opinion though - probably rubbish :rotfl: )

Much as I hate to agree with her - she's right :D
Yeah, that would make you roughly 6 weeks today! :D
Thats what I'm going with, thanks girls! 6 weeks! :D

Thanks Mildly, hope you are getting sorted out now? Come and join us in here very soon! :hug:
I'll be there as soon as I can, you make sure you save me a place :D

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