Confused about due date


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
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Hello, can anyone help with a rough due date for me?

Lmp was 23rd may (roughlky 35 day cycle) and I ov roughly 9th June. Got bfp on 21st June and a cbd gave a pregnant 1-2 weeks on 22nd June.

What would u say due date is? I thought early march but my mum seems to think 23rd Feb

I'd say early March. My lmp was 25/5 and cycles have been 30-35 days for last few months. I got 1-2 weeks on clear blue on sat then 2-3 weeks at lunchtime today. Congratulations xx
Yeah I'd say about 6th march just assume u ov 2 weeks after lmp started. I was the same as u with 36 day cycles! I never ovulated until about cd 25 so even later working out my due date was difficult but it's all
Just an estimate anyway until 12 week scan xxxx
If u just go by lmp date it will assume a 28 day cycle.
So for example if u have 35 day cycle u can usually add a week onto that! X
I'm 3rd March according to my doctor and my period was on 26may.. I worked out 1st March somehow tho lol ! They go off your period don't they to work it out then it can all change at scan depending how long your cycles are and when you ovulate! I have a 28 day cycle ovulate around cd 14 if you have a 35 day cycle you could actually ovulate same time I did but you are classed further along than me as your cycle longer .. Weird how it works out isn't it ! Roll on the scans so can get a true due date lol xxxx
I was same lv struggled to work it out... Before i went to docs I got early march... then doc got 23rd of feb but went home and I re did it the way he did it cuss doc was a bit distracted and wasn't really paying much attention to what dates I was telling him and I got 26th of feb so not to sure lol will be surprised to findout what scan says :)
It's so confusing. I know it doesn't matter as they'll be born when they decided to be but it's nice to have a date to focus on :-D

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