
amy samantha

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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I know I'm very late asking but it's only just popped into my head!
I'm supposed to be going to a concert tomorrow -
we bought the tickets maybe 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant so we bought standing tickets because that's what I usually get, I never buy seated
I'll be 35 weeks, is it safe for me to go if I stand at the very very back? I'm really anxious because I know it will be a volume that bub isn't used to
I can easily give the ticket to my fiance's friend, just wondering your thoughts?
I would have thought you would be fine hun. Like you said keep to the back and dont worry too much about bubs, im sure he/she is nicely protected in there xxx
thanks :)
I've asked a couple of friends and they've said basically the same
can't help but worry!
thank you though :D X
I think you shall be fine hun if baby dosent like im sure he or she will let you know.
when i was about 11 weeks pregnant, i went to see kings of leon at hyde park and i was sooo worried. I really didnt want to miss it though as i had brought the tickets way before i found out i was pregnant and i spent alot of money on them. I ended up going even though i was so worried about getting bumped into and knocked but i told my partner i was going to stand right at the back - that never happened!! we got very close to the front of the stage and basically i just had my boyfriend stand infront of me (or behind me at times with his hands wrapped round my belly) and he basically made sure no-one came to close!! lol. I was suprised because i thought it would be really hectic and there was moments where i felt about unsafe like when people we're throwing bottles etc but im sooo glad i went.

I know your further along that i was but i'd say go for it.. as others have said, baby will be pretty well protected in there, just get your partner to stand by you and stand at the back if you feel safer. Hopefully people will see your pregnant and keep a distance from you anyway. have fun xx
thank you!!
I was stood more to the front but very far right
and thankfully everyone around me could see I was obviously heavily pregnant and were really cautious
had a really good night and glad I went after all :D
thanks X
I went to a concert when I was 12 weeks a bit of a difference I know, but I stood nearer the back and everythings fine :) x
Aww so glad to hear you had a great time hun xxx
My baby's dad is in a metal band and I am really into the whole head banging thing so I am still going out gigging and just being extra careful. No mosh pits :p. But everyone is sorta aware of you so you'd be fine sorry bit late in replying hope you had a good time
took an over due pregnant friend to ibrox stadium last year for the team bringing a cup home every ne round seemd to keep well back hop you ahd a fab time xx

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