completly fed up


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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I feel so robbed, I've had the most crazy day going and I just want to lay down and cry and never stop right now cause I feel it would be so totally easier to just give up. Things were going fine, but then without trying to feed on it babybump completly freaked me out, I kept on ranting to people about her as I just cannot believe somebody would stoop so low. Maybe she is mentally ill and if thats the case then I feel so very sorry for her and would probably give her a hug and tell her she'll be ok with the right sort of help and I don't know if that makes me weired for having sympathy for someone like that. I mean nobody would have sympathy for a pedofile taking photos and using them for their pleasure and no as far as we know she hasnt done anything as bad as that but she's still been taking photos of children in bump form and pretending they are hers and to me thats still invasion of our children. Well i'm going to try and move on now and please don't shout at me as i'm totally confused on how I feel about this already. I've not stopped ranting to my husband and my friend about her. Anyway the end of her...

2nd my scan wasnt as good as I wanted it to be, not sure why not it just wasnt. The baby wasnt in the best position to be honest and I would have liked a better photo but I think the thing I've got to focus on is the fact that baby is healthy. I was told baby had its head down which has made me start praying that baby doesnt come early cause i'm so not ready to meet it yet. Please baby lets move first and get settled and you stay where you are and grow strong and healthy.

3rdly hubby went over to our dipwad of a landlord to try and sort things out amacably and took over the letter we have from the mortgage company, landlord said he wanted to take a photocopy of it so stupid hubby let him but then when landlord got it he refused to hand it back and we need it this coming friday for our appointment with the homeless team to proof that we're being made homeless because of him having his home reprocessed. I am just now feeling really empty and low about the whole situation. Still going to go to the council on friday and explain to them whats happened and just hope they believe us otherwise we're stuffed as reprocession people coming out on the 7th to take over the house and if we've got nowhere we'll be on the streets and little lady will probably end up in foster care again after my fight of a year to get her home and a fight of 8 years to become a parent.

I had a nose bleed tonite but i'm putting that down to stress.

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
i don't have any advice i'm afraid but i wanted to offer some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i hope it all works out for you xx
OMG Your landlord is such a arse!!!! :hug: Don't know what to say sorry. Does he not have any idea what shite he's putting you through? Grrrrr!
Thanx girls, he doesnt care what shit he's putting us through. When we first moved down here in december he didnt tell us that the house wasnt ready, we moved from south wales back to luton area and if it wasnt for our family we would have been on the streets then because of him and then when we did finally move in on 24th december he told us there was a gas leak which had been sectioned off so couldnt have any hot water or heating other than the lowsy electrical heaters, this was sorted a few weeks later but we then found out the gas leak was a load of bull and that he just didnt want to bother over the christmas/new year period. We also didnt have a working cooker for weeks so all food had to either be take away, microwave or beans on freaking toast. I've told husband that if he doesnt give the letter we need back tommorow then he's to go to the police because the letter is addressed to the current occupier which we are not him. I've had a tits full of him.
Really sorry about your bad day. The only thing I can suggest really is that you try calling the mortgage company and see if you can somehow get hold of another copy of the letter (maybe they could fax it to the Homeless Team or something like that if there is no time to send another through the post). Why won't the landlord give it back - what a pratt!!!

I really hope you get something sorted, and I reckon you will as you're an incredibly strong person to come out of what you've been through sane!!! All the very best :hug:

PS: I've had pretty mixed emotions about that BellyBump character too -on one hand it makes me feel angry, yet on the other rather sad (for those who have been duped and for her).
Hi Daisy

Yeah without sounding big headed I know i'll come through this as i've gone through much worse, rape, abuse from my mother, loosing my kids and other bolloxs and if I can come through the other end of that lot then I can come through this ass but right now I just feel exhausted mentally and I want to settle somewhere so I can prepare for the baby. I feel like I can't relax and really enjoy the pregnancy at the moment and it's really draining. Half the time I don't even feel pregnant because i'm so preoccupied with everything and if it wasnt for the fact baby kicks I wouldnt even remember i'm preggies probably :rotfl: I'm feeling robbed of what should be a nice time. I'm constantly moaning at my daughter as she's a typical 2 year old and mummy has little patience with anything at the moment and that just makes me feel guilty. I just want it over lol.

I'm not surprised you feel exhausted with all you've got to cope with; and 2 yr olds are pretty demanding at the best of times - all those lovely tantrums etc!!! I hope this gets sorted asap so you can relax and be more settled - you most definitely deserve it.

All the very best :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Great to hear all went well at your scan bowmanzoo :hug: I do hope the rest follows with good news for you too :hug:
Sending you lots of :hug: :hug:

You seem like a really strong person and with your hubby's support I am sure you will find a solution - a lot of landlords are parasites and as long as you stay strong you'll win! Just be firm with these people and don't take no for an answer - they can't leave an expectant mother with a 2 year old on the streets :hug:

Bellybump is in my thoughts a lot too, in that I want to meet her and give her a piece of my mind! But she's not worth any of our energy any more xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I wouldnt worry about baby being head down at your scan, mine was too, nice and nestled in my bladder, but 3 weeks later she was sideways and 2 days after that she was breach so they still move LOADS.

Your landlord sounds like one of those people i just want to punch!! I dont know why cos i've never punched anyone before (oh actually i think i punched baby daddy when drunk, and my ex but i blame pregnancy hormones for that one and it wasnt hard), I'm very niave (or so im told) cos i always see the good in people and i cant understand why people do those things when they seem to have no other perpose but to hurt people.

I hope you get everything sorted out soon, you deserve to be relaxed and preparing for baby
Thanx again everybody, i'm feeling really emotionally weak at the moment but also feel I can't go on about it due to a certain person taking the piss. I'll be ok i'm sure, just want it over with now.
Hope you get things sorted re your housing situation :hug: and that you are feeling better in yourself too :hug:

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