Coming off pill


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I am going to come off pill and start TTC- I have been on it for 13 years. Do I need to finish the packet (about 10 pills left) or can I just stop taking it?

I don't want to miss the possible increased fertility peak thing that is talked about and was not sure if I didn't finish the packet whether the peak would not be so much?

But then since I have been taking it so long there is bound to be loads in my system??!

i stopped taking mine half way through a packet but then waited for 3 months before ttc when i did start then it only took me 2 months of trying and i was pg i wanted the pill out of my system before i tried but some people catch straight away good luck xxx
I know it is only 10 days or so left but can't wait! :D
I was taking the pill for about 13 years too ..... and i did wait until the end of the packet (as painful as it was!!) ... just to try and get that last fake AF out of my system ... then I was lucky and my cycle was pretty regularish straight off .... we started TTC straight after I came off the pill .... but nothing :( Everyone is different I'm afraid! Just do what you think is right .....
Thanks Bec- I should finish off the packet I suppose

How long have you been ttc for?

Was chatting to my mum last night and she said it took 2 years for her to get AF back after coming off pill when she was trying for me- hope its not hereditry!

Hi Lisa

I was taking the pill for 10 years and I did finish my packet before TTC. I had an AF straight after I came off and so far, my cycle has been 24, 30 and 26 days. I think I am day 24 now so waiting for either an AF or BFP (I expect its AF tho!). I also started TTC straight away!

The pill does not stay in your system and even if you have been on it for a long time, it has absolutely not effect on your fertility.

Hope this reassures you

Good luck!
Alice x
Good luck, my friend never got a period when coming off the pill just a BFP!
Been TTC for 5 months now .....

If you were fairly regular before you went on the pill you have a very good chance of getting back to regualr cycles pretty quickly after coming off the pill apparently. I had my pill induced AF ... followed by a 33 day cycle, then 25, then 28, then 30 .... now I'm expecting AF tomorrow which would make another 30 day cycle ....

My parents were TTC for 2 years before I came along ... gawd - I hope THAT'S not heriditary too!! Arrgghhhhh!!!

I have been on the pill so long I can't remeber whether I was regular with real AF before it or not- will just need to wait and see!
i was on the pill for a year and came off them half way through a pack. I have a period stright away. Not been TTC for very long so not sure wether it was a good idea or not to finish them early! :cheer:
I finished a pack then AF came the day after (which was unusual in itself for me!!)
I got bfp 3 months after i stopped taking the pill.... like someone said though everyone is different.

Good Luck with TTC

I stopped taking my pill on New Years Eve 2004 half way through pack-and got my BFP April this year....the first few months of trying were a disaster-I had a viral infection and was really poorly so didnt BD a lot....only really started trying in earnest this January-got ovulation tests and made sure we BD during the "right" times....was just starting to get disheartened and was about to go to docs to be checked over when we took a relaxing hol to Scotland...Came back pregnant!!!

I was 34 last week, and this is our first, have been on the pill since I was 18

Good luck xx
Hi Lisa i was on the pill and my doctor suggested to me to finish the pack and have the post pill bleed you would have had then to try ttc we started ttc from the beginning anyway but it took me 4 months to concieve. My mum took 2 and 1/2 years to concieve my brother and i took 4 months as long as your cycle gets into a pattern you will be absolutly fine, im sure its not hereditry.

best of luck ttc xx hope it happens for you soon :hug:
Thanks everyone- fingers crossed- I will keep you posted! :)

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