Comfort Milk


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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...has anybody any experience? How is LO on it? I have just bought some cow and gate comfort as Harlow has spent the entire week constantly crying in pain. She can't sleep or even feed as she gets waves of pains and the discomfort seems to put her of her bottles. I feel bad wanting to change her milk but I can't see her in such distress any longer!

we had to put our second on aptamil comfort! because he had reflux. he also didnt get upset/windy stomac with it!
Phoebe is on Cow & Gate comfort too and we've found that it helps a little but doesn't really do much on its own. We use colief drops in her bottles and it's really helped her colic xx
I use colief too although it's a nightmare bfing and using it. Also give her one bottle and day and found the hills organic really good as its got a probiotic in it.
My LO was on c&g comfort for a while - I thought it was really good! She was def a lot happier, however I used Dr Browns bottles along with it - def a brilliant combination.

Don't feel bad - this type of milk is there for exactly the reasons you have stated. If your LO is not happy then change, it will hopefully sort the problems all out for you both x
We were having the same problem and we have swapped to Cow and Gate comfort and also using dr browns bottles. It seems to have helped a bit but dont worry if they do some stinky trumps as thats part of it. Also it recommends a thicker teat and the milks thicker. Actually taking my LO to the drs this morning to see if can do anything else to help and make sure we are doing everything right, we are infacoling before every feed.
yes so true about the smelly wind lol..but my cousin and SIL both swear by the cow and gate comfort xx

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