I have exclusively breastfed from the get go. I found that breastfeeding actually got me discharged faster! As soon as they saw him latched they didn't bother with the feeding specialist or anybody else and I was allowed home just hours after the birth. The colostrum lines all inside the stomach, intestines, nose etc and acts as a protective barrier and sets them up for life as well as the other endless benefits that come from breastfeeding.
If you can, you might as well give it a go. The first stuff is the most important (it's called liquid gold for a reason). You can always combi feed after the first few days if you must.
As I BF my DS gained weight very quickly, I healed faster and we were both discharged from checks and health visitor etc after just 9 days. If you want to avoid hospitals and appointments, BF might be a better option for you than formula, at least from my experience.
It's also a good way to avoid a collicy, reflux, conspitated, bloated and uncomfortable baby, plus they are better protected from any illness and infections, risk of sids, meningitis, jaundice etc reduces drastically if BF. It also helps postpartum mental health, balances hormones, helps shrink your uterus back quicker, reduces pp bleeding, reduces risk of breast cancer, calms you and helps you bond with baby and the benefits really are just endless!! Your breast milk changes constantly, as well as being different for a girl or boy it adapts to regulate babies temperature, triggers sleep hormones at night for baby to sleep better, can pick up on any changes before they are visible so your body can start healing baby before you know he's sick etc. It's a very complex system, your body responds to babies saliva and messages are sent accross constantly. Please look into it

Good luck whatever you decide