College & Pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Well, before i found out i was pregnant i started college earlier this month and im studying my diploma in beauty therapy and i really dont want to quit as ive spent a fortune on my uniform and kit!.

I was thinking about carrying on until im too big or too close to my due date. My due date is 28th May and i dont finish until the 29th June (my 23rd birthday).

Has anyone been in this situation and managed to pass the course or should i just throw in the towel until im not pregnant anymore?

Anythings appreciated as fiance thinks i should quit and try again next year, but everyone i spoken to i.e friends have told me to stay on and talk to someone about it in hope of someone working around me?

Thanks ladies! :)
of course you can do it hun. i go to college and work 35 hours a week (might have to drop some hours) and they are really supportive. with beauty therapy there may be some chemicals you cant use but other than that there is no reason you have to miss it. after all you might only need a few days or a week off after the birth before you feel well enough to return. maybe you could do it part time instead so there is no pressure to finish it before you pop.
just make sure that a. if you start it your sure its right for you and b. that you have someone to look after lo once its born if you need to finish the course then.
i would speak to your course leader and see what the college can do to help with regard to possibly fast tracking and finishing early or being able to take up where you left off after bubba is born.

if you stop now you will only be bored of doing nothing, annoyed you wasted your money and resentful of bubba for stopping you doing the course you wanna do.

the college will have come across this before so just ask them what they can do to help xx
Have a chat with your course leader but Im sure there are things that can be done to help. Maybe just do certain credits this year and then transfer them over when you want to go back. I managed to complete my second year of uni pregnant and my third year with a newborn so its certainly possible!

I would try and continue, speak to your tutor and find out what the college can do to support you. Also dependent on your age you may also get some financial assistance too. good luck x
I know this year i wasn't entitled to anything due to me being 22, its not my first level 2 either its my 3rd..So financially ill struggle as being pregnants going to be a huge drain on the money situation and id be travelling 12 miles every 3 days.

I was going to wait until ive had my scan and everything confirmed but if theres something i think will put my baby at risk then ill have to talk to my tutor about it and ask her what i can do in regards to completing the course while pregnant, there are also certain treatments i wont be able to have done..So ill get out of having waxes and massages...fingers crossed haha :p[

Thank you everyone, thats really helpful :)
you can do it hunny. i completed my last year in college pregnant and passed with flying colours. everyone just called me their teddy bear lol
Thank you everyone, ive decided to carry on but only go in days where i feel like it, ive been so tired, i dont think i can hack earlies so ill just go in on wednesdays as i dont start until half 1 :)
you should ask if its ok for you to go in at like 1 on any of your days. that way you dont miss too much
I may do that as getting up at 5.30 on Thursdays and Fridays isnt the nicest feeling ever and now im pregnant its going to make me feel more crap, i might go in next Wednesday and have a talk with my tutor about rescheduling the start and finish times. I dont finish until 7.30pm on Wednesdays, but i suppose i can hack a half 4 and quarter past 4 finish on thursdays and fridays.

Thanks ladies :)

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