cold, stuffed up.. steam??


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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this aint a moaning thread, but im stuffed up like crazy with a cold

cant breathe, cant talk without sounding like a numpty, and my head feels all stuffy!

am i ok using the steam method? like putting my head over boiling water with a towel over my head?
dont wanna faint or anything! :lol: :lol:
Aww :( I don't have a cold, just constantly stuffed up..I haven't tried the steam method, actually a good idea! I'll try it later! Don't waste your money on inhalant oils..when I tried them it made my nose even more blocked :(
brilliant way to stop colds kim...

stop eattign cream cakes!
kimbo if you have just given up smoking it could be that. When i stopped i had a cold, think its something to do with senses coming back to life!!

Of cause your not moaning about it-only men complain about colds!! x x
Buy some vix vapour rub or menthol crystals from the chemist, boil steaming hot water (be careful not to turn your face though), place in a bolw with a teaspoon of the vix/crystals, towel over head and DEEEEEPPPP breathes.

Believe me, anything that was blocking your sineases, well, erm will come out ASAP. You may have o do this once every few hours though but it works.

Also that eucaliptus oil works, if you put it on one of those oil burner things in the room with you.

Hope you feel better soon, I know how you're feeling, I'm bunged up with a cold too!
A few drops of Olbas oil in the sink filled with hot water and a towel over your head. Deep breaths! That should do it!
i have been sniffing and have runny nose and couldnt believe it yest when.....

i read in mother and baby mag that at 17-20 weeks you may "feel fed up of bodily fluids streaming from you as you have extremely runny nose and may have increased vaginal fluid. so it may not actually be a cold as my nose is streaming too!
I have a cold too, and so does Lola! Must be the time of year. All I can say is have lots of fluids and hot Orange juice or Ribena is nice when you are bunged up. Try and rest too.

Steam is fine. Inhake for 2 mins at a time with a towel over your head, then up for air then do it again :)

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