Cold baby??


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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I'm wondering if this is why G wakens in the night?!

Im really paranoid about G overheating at night. So tend to err on the side of her being too cold. I'm even worse because our grow egg always seems to show red - usually 24. even though the Angela care monitor can be 4degrees lower
-about 21.

I don't put a vest on her to sleep, Last night she had a sleep suit, and a blanket doubled over. But at 2am she wouldn't resettle as I brought her into our bed, and she slept right through till half 8 when my alarm went off. Usually we have a 5/6am wake up.

Now that I think about it she always sleeps better in our bed.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I doubt she'll be cold in the summer hun. Especially with a sleepsuit and blanket.

The nursery here is 21-23 degrees and I leave the window open. T bird wears a nappy and then her swaddle sleeping bag and then is wrapped in a cotton sheet.
Apparently babies love being cold but H has always loved to be warm so he does tend to be dressed slightly warmer than they recommend!! Perhaps she wud like a softer mattress?? Maybe try laying a fleecy blanket under her (tucked in obv) to see if that makes a difference? My neice never used to sleep till they started doing that!
There's been days with us we've had to have heating on during the day. You'd never know it was June! Lol xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Jack definately prefers being warm! He also won't sleep unless he's in his grobag so when it's really hot he wears just a vest in his grobag. Most nights though he has a vest, babygro and grobag on. I can't use a blanket because he disco dances in his sleep and we're terrified he'll go under the blanket!!
I think it's the being near you. Someone made a comment after baby massage yesterday that really hit out to me she said that our babies spent longer in the womb than they have on the earth so you can't blame them for wanting to be close to mum as much as possible.


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