Coco given birth


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Well just after posting about her been pg last night alan shouted me and said i think its starting, i went into the rooms and her little waters had broken and she was plonked down on her side, so i got loads of sheets and covers and put them down on the bathroom floor where she could be undisturbed and right next to a radiator....after alot of panting some feet appeared but i think she found it hard cause it took her about 5 minutes to push the rest out and i was getting worried cause this is very rare app...then out came baby number 1 (black and white just like daddy), she didnt do anything at first, just lay there, then she had the afterbirth (placenta) and started licking the cat and it came to life! yey!!!..about 10 minutes after that when the little one had found a nipple, off she went again and in no time gave birth to number 2 which she instantly cut the cord and licked and revived! yey!! so that one (tabby - but might turn into tortoishell like her) went off to find some milk too...and coco lay back down regularily getting up to clean her and eat some yummy placenta :? ...for protein...about 20 mins after that she was off pushing again and out popped number 3 in no time, a little brown and white cat who she revived again (so far all good) and off he scampered to find a nipple after been cleaned up...At this time i was shattered, we stayed with her for 45 mins or so but nothing happened so decided it was time to leave her to look after the little ones and go to bed,,,i checked in on them regularily and when i checked about 1 hour later there was a new addition sqeaking away in the little pile of cats the size of mice!!! another black and white !! and cute as anything, all healthy and well and coco shattered just lying there bless...smudge must know whats happening cause he has been sat outside the bathroom door all night bless! and when i go in he pops his head round to have a look at his little triumphs!!!

on this page is pictures of the 1st one been born but then the cam battery ran out! but had a spare disposable cam so got pics still! phew!!! ... pg&.src=ph

cassi x
o oh they are fantastic pictures. congratulations coco
have u homes for them?
awww bless. well done coco!!!! she needs to tell us if shes having any prolems feeding four lol.
obviously she is breastfeeding but tell her formula fed kittens will be just as healthy if she gets a bit tired lmao :dance:
luv b x
Fantastic!! I'll look forward to seeing her in the new mummies section :wink:

aww I vote the first one gets a bond-type name as the last pic is 007!

great pics!
How sweet... Congratulations!! :D
Emilia xx
they are gorgeous..have just been eating all about to make her a better little nest in the living room now with more space...smudge is hissing at her sometimes but i think he is just confused..he should be fine soon *touchwood* they are little nutters they are blind and deaf untill 1 week old so they keep climbing on top of eachother lol...

cassi x
WOW Fantastic!!!

What does a cat do in labour? Just lie there or do they move or anything?
Sorry i have never seen a cat in labour before, just wondering :wink:
I heard that they are like us, scream, claw roll around meow in pain..but she just lay there and panted like a dog...didnt make a noise..such a brave girl...

well i just made her downstairs nest...put the little critters on a towel and took them downstairs..coco dosnt mind me touching them she just followed me...but then she went downstairs..and started picking them up and taking them to the bathroom again lol!! but while they were downstairs i still heard sqeauking up stairs so i thought eh? 1 2 3 4 all there..coco there smudge upstairs i went and realised that there is a fifth!!!! he was hidden under the blankets the whole time!! another black and white one!! bless

so they are all back in the bathroom..but it stinks in there because of the blood she lost and placentas and birth fluid lol and i cant move her fat ass to get a new sheet for

cassi xx
awwww bless!! welcome baby kitten number 5 :D
its funny cause earlier they were sqeaking and i said to alan they are throwing there sqeaks cause im hearing one over here when they do it and they are over there lol!!!! thought i was going nuts but it was hidden kitty number 5 lol

cassi x
yeah the 5th is the runt and he is a little bit dumb..he took hours to find a nipple earlier!!! i kept putting his mouth to it but he never got it!!! in the end he did though lol..but when he looses it he sqeaks for britain..i think this is the smudge junior!!

cas xx
:D Awww,how beautiful!!Well done Coco!!What a clever lady!
awww how cute
u didnt get the scan pic :(
u gonna rehome all or keep em

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