coccyx pain


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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anyone else who has this?

I started to notice it yesterday, and it'a a lot worse today. Hurts when I sit for too long and hurts a lot when I stand up from a sitting position, and kind of when I walk, esp. after sitting...

Hoping there's something I can do to make it better, but after googling it it seems like I just need to endure.. :(
Hey Lewa,

Yup I have been suffering with this for quite a few months now. It does come and go. I get it really bad for about 5 days then it seems to ease off!! If you work in an office get a cushion which has the cut out at the back where your coccyx sits. I find that helps a little as takes pressure off that area.

Hope it doesn't get too bad. I also find getting up every half hour or so and just wondering for a min helps. It is ALOT worse after sitting for hours!! x
I broke my back last year, vertebrae S2 which is just above the coccyx and it feels like I have been kicked up the arse. I'm dreading it when I get bigger, mw said it might lead to an early c-section as it's at risk of re-breaking with the pressure :(
Hey Lewa,

Yup I have been suffering with this for quite a few months now. It does come and go. I get it really bad for about 5 days then it seems to ease off!! If you work in an office get a cushion which has the cut out at the back where your coccyx sits. I find that helps a little as takes pressure off that area.

Hope it doesn't get too bad. I also find getting up every half hour or so and just wondering for a min helps. It is ALOT worse after sitting for hours!! x

Thanks you for replying! Sorry to hear you have it too.. but glad it seems to ease off every once in a while. Was worried it would just get gradually worse and worse and worse, so in my head I wouldn't be able to do anything but lie in bed in a couple of months.. but there might still be hope then :p Sitting for a long time definitely doesn't help.. I should probably get better at taking frequent breaks!
I broke my back last year, vertebrae S2 which is just above the coccyx and it feels like I have been kicked up the arse. I'm dreading it when I get bigger, mw said it might lead to an early c-section as it's at risk of re-breaking with the pressure :(

wow, so sorry to hear you might have an early c-section, but hope things turn out ok!
I've probably broken my tailbone, at least once growing up as I've done my fair share of falling on the ice etc..
Hope it won't get too bad for you!!

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