

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Just have a quick question if any one knows what is your cm suppost to be like when your af is due. I know there was a post for this but i cant find it
As some of you know i was due on saturday and still no af and now i have a slight clear discharge :oops: sorry if tmi does this mean anything?
I didnt have this for the past week either.
xxx Katrina
Hiya Katrina

Your Cm can be be dry, watery, moist or sticky after ovulation and up until the day before AF.

Heres some info for you - I've posted this before, but maybe the post needs a sticky so everyone TTC can refer to it?

Dry or Light Moisture - INFERTILE
After menstruation for a period of 3 - 5 days you may experience no fluid at all or a small amount of moisture. Color of any existing fluid is clear or slightly white but will dry immediately on your fingertips. Overall sensation is not wet at this time.

Sticky or Gummy - INFERTILE

Cervical Fluid then changes to feeling sticky for a period of 2 - 3 days. When rubbed between your fingertips it may give a small amount of resistance, feels slightly gummy or may even crumble. The color will range from clear to white and although you may feel a small amount of moisture the fluid is still dry and does not feel wet at this time.

Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - FERTILE
Cervical fluid now becomes much more abundant and will feel wet from 2 - 4 days. It can appear either thick and creamy or like hand lotion and will form peaks in your fingertips when pulled apart or can be thinner and look milky. Color of the fluid is white or yellow and the overall vaginal sensation is wet.

Eggwhite Cervical Fluid - VERY FERTILE
Cervical fluid now reaches its most fertile stage for 1 - 5 days. The fluid will look and have the consistency of eggwhites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips will stretch 1 - 10 inches! The color can be clear or iridescent and the overall sensation is extremely wet.

Dry, Moist or Sticky - INFERTILE
Cervical fluid will now change drastically due to the drop in estrogen and the surge of progesterone following ovulation. It can be dry, watery, moist or sticky and will remain in that stage until the end of your monthly cycle - which is the day before your menstrual period begins. Any fluid at all will dry up quickly upon your fingertips, can range from no color to white and your overall vaginal sensation will be dry at this time.

Hope this helps
sorry to hijack your thread, but i'm just curios, i'm just new onto this forum and was wondering what cm, af, etc all mean!!

Sorry if i'm being really dumb, but just wondering what you are all meaning!

Thats okay hun i was the same way to start with.

CM is cervical mucous
AF is aunt flow ....... period.

When i first joined there was a part in getting started section at the top of the screen that had a list of all the meaning of these if you wanna check it out. a few weeks you will know most of them
xx Katrina
what should it be like just before your af arrives? and what about if your pg what would it be like then?
reason for asking
thought i ovulated about 12 days ago something like that and ive been dry since (sorry tmi) but now all of a sudden i have what i suppose you could say was like the fertile cm from the list above just wondering now if this could mean im about to have af or am pg or am i about to ovulate and maybe didnt when i thought i did????
hmmmm now am really confused lol xxxxxx
Hiya Rach

A day or so before AF is due, occasionally you may notice very wet, watery CM, which can even resemble the eggwhite type CM. This is because of the drop in progesterone that precedes the disinitigration of the lining of the uterus. The first part of the womb lining to come away is typically water, giving the very wet CM.

Most women in the run up to AF will note "dry" or "sticky" CM.

I know that women get increased CM when they are pregnant - but I'm not sure on how early in pregnancy this begins.

Hope this helps a little.
I'm not very high up on this CM stuff but I defo have CM at the moment. It's not stretchy more gooey/creamy! If that makes sense! :?
yeah mine too wobbles hun
thanks rachael dont know what we would do without you on here xxxxxxxx
i had loads of cm like the white stuff before i had my day bleed. :think:
i don't know what my cm is doing im lost, took the cough medicine this month so think its wetter due to that. I have a real bloated feeling belly don't know if im getting thise imaginary symptoms you know what i mean!!

I had slight pink in my CM on Thurs .. which is when I thought AF was due .... but nothing since!?!? Kinda hoped it might be implantation bleeding ... but tested this morning and BFN!!!! So am pretty sure my AF is just slow getting started!?

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