Cm question!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Hi all,

Well im 6 weeks today, feel like first tri is going so so slow. Got first mindwife appointment on Thursday, so looking forward to that, but at the moment, i have alot of white, creamy CM. Sorry if tmi... :oops:

Has anyone else experienced this, i also have period type pains on and off and have had them for a whole week now.

Any feedback would really be appriciated.
that sounds totally normal- I had all of those.

the period type cramps are really unsettling but most people experience them.

I get the AF style cramps and to be honest had odd CM the past couple of days, I thought I was getting thrush... sorry if TMI but today it seems to be fine!
oki doki, sorry im being a paranoid freak at the moment, the slightest thing throw me into worries about missed miscarridges etc
Mummy2B2009 said:
oki doki, sorry im being a paranoid freak at the moment, the slightest thing throw me into worries about missed miscarridges etc

hey dont be sorry hun, most people tend to get pains, its just settleing in pains, tink about whats going on in ur belly everything is extending. I would only worry if they were on one side and also if you bleed :hug: :hug:

I can understand your worry about a missed miscarriage if you feel the pains are really bad then tell your MW hun, and Im sure she will get you scanned :hug: :hug:
Me too!!! I had exactly the same pains and kept going to the loo to check for blood, you get a bit paranoid in these early stages until you have your scan :hug: :hug:

As for the cm thing im exactly the same, somedays there is lots and its all stringy and other days just milky and watery sorry if its tmi :oops: Just wanted you to know you are not alone :hug: :hug:
Yes its normal to have creamy CM, and expect a lot more as the pregnancy progresses - so something to look forward to ladies :D

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